He hears you crying at night

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He hears you crying at night his pov

Ashton: I yawned as i dropped my keys on the table near the door. I'd been in the studio with the boys all day and I had a terrible headache. I couldn't wait to get back to my warm bed and, more importantly, my girlfriend. Y/N had been acting a little strange lately and it was starting to worry me. I'd only been home from tour for about a week before we had to start recording. I felt horrible about not spending time with her. I walked over to the fridge for a glass of water and dragged my tired body upstairs. The lights were off in mine and Y/N 's bedroom but I could tell by the way she was breathing that she wasn't asleep. I set my glass down on the bathroom sink and put on some pajama pants, climbing into bed behind Y/N. I heard her sniffle softly. "Y/N? Babe? You ok?" I whispered, lightly twirling her hair around my fingers. She rolled over to face me and my heart broke at the sight before me. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks stained with tears. I immediately pulled her into my arms as she began to cry harder. "I don't know if I can do this anymore, Ash. I just got you back and just like that you're gone again..." I hugged her tightly, guilt washing over my whole body. I felt tears in my own eyes. "I know, babe. I'm so sorry." She wiped her eyes and I kissed her forehead. "I promise I'm not going anywhere. As soon as recording is over, I'll be all yours." She snuggled closer to me, leaning her head against my chest.

Calum: "Y/N could you please keep your voice down?!" I rubbed my temples, hoping to ease the pounding in my head. I'd just finished a show and had gone back to my hotel room to shower and go to bed only to be surprised by my girlfriend, Y/N, who had flown out to see me. She was currently bouncing around the room telling me about her flight and meeting fans and talking about her friend's birthday party. It was a little too much for me to handle. "Y/N!" I hadn't meant to yell, but my head was really hurting and I just wanted to sleep. I saw her face fall as i turned to walk toward the bathroom. After my shower, I walked back out into my room and got into bed. I could hear sniffling from the sitting area but i couldn't see anything. As I got closer, I saw Y/N laying on the couch. She was crying. "You didn't even say hello to me" she said, looking at the floor. "I flew all the way out here to surprise you and you don't even seem the least but happy to see me!" she cried, her voice cracking slightly. I knelt down on the floor in front of the couch and ran a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry, babe, I'm just not feeling well. I am happy to see you, honest." I used my thumb to wipe a stray tear from her cheek. "Will you come to bed and cuddle me 'til I'm better?" I gave her the little pout that I knew she loved and she nodded. "I'm sorry...again" I said as she laid down beside me. She just nodded and lightly rubbed my back. "I know, Cal. Now sleep, babe." I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her impossibly closer. "I love you, Y/N"

Luke: I can't believe it's been a whole year since Y/N's best friend passed away. She was an incredible person and Y/N loved her so much. They'd grown up together, planned weddings together, decided what they would name their future children. It's so sad how short life can be. Y/N has been a mess ever since the accident. I held her hand at the funeral and she cried into the shoulder of my jacket. As time went on, Y/N started to accept what had happened and for the first time in months I saw her smile. Things were going so well until the one year anniversary of Y/bff/N's death. I'd been sleeping peacefully but was suddenly awakened by a loud crash and the sound of breaking glass. I panicked because Y/N wasn't beside me. I ran down the stairs, baseball bat in hand, and my heart dropped at what I saw. Y/N was sitting on the living room floor sobbing and surrounded by tiny shards of glass. "Why?1 Luke, why did she leave me?!" I reached around her and pulled her onto the couch and out of the way of the glass. A few feet away I found a shattered picture frame surrounding a photograph of my girlfriend and Y/bff/N. I cleaned up the glass and checked Y/N over to make sure she was all right. I brushes some of her hair behind her ear and held her as she cried. "Shhh, shhh. Baby, it's ok. Let it out." We sat like that for what felt like hours and I watched her slowly doze off.

.: My girlfriend Y/N had been sick for about a week now but she refused to go to the doctor. I hated seeing her in pain. She tried to hide it but I still knew. When I left for the studio this morning, she was still asleep in bed. I couldn't bring myself to wake her so I wrote her a little not telling here where I was and to call me if she needed anything. I got a break from recording and went home a few hours later. Y/N was sitting on the couch taking tiny bites of a piece of toast. "Feeling any better, babe?" I leaned over to kiss her forehead but she moved away. "I can't let you get sick, Mikey" she said. It broke my heart to see her like this. I stayed home long enough to make sure she finished that piece of toast. When I went back to the studio, I couldn't think straight. I was so worried about Y/N. As soon as the recording session was over, I went home. It was late and I was expecting Y/N to be asleep. I found her curled up on her side of our bed all wrapped up in blankets. I laid down beside her, gently rubbing her back until I fell asleep. I woke up around three in the morning to feel the other side of the bed shaking. Y/N was crying. " Hey, baby. Are you crying? Whats wrong ,love?" She just let out a small sob. "It hurts Mikey." she cried. I wrapped the blanket tighter around her and lifted her out of the bed. "W-what are you doing?" she asked. I got dressed and picked her up again. "I'm taking you to the doctor whether you like it or not."

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