He causes you to break a bone

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He Causes You To Break A Bone

Calum: You were hanging out with the boys today and currently getting them drinks inside while they were outside playing football (soccer). You walked outside carrying four water bottles and head towards them. When you got closer Michael noticed you and started walking towards you. You did the same to meet him in the middle when out of nowhere you are pushed to the ground landing on your arm. "Y/n! Y/n! Oh my gosh I am so so so so sorry! I didn't see you there!", Calum yells frantically while helping you up, "Are you alright?" "No I don't think so," you say trying to hold back tears but failing," My elbow really hurts and I can't feel my fingers.", you tell him. "Shit. You probably broke it. C'mon let's get you to a hospital.", Ashton says. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me." , Calum says looking really guilty. "It's okay,", you sob which makes him feel even worse.

Luke: You we're finally able to get a break from work to come to one of your boyfriends concerts. You showed up during sound check to surprise Luke. When he saw you, he told you to come up on stage and hang out with them. You did and after a awhile they took a small break and Luke kept trying to learn a new guitar trick where he spins it around his body. You had your back facing him talking to Michael while standing near the edge. "I think I almost got the hang of this!" you hear Luke say. He must have stepped closer to you because next thing that happened was him trying that damn trick and the guitar hit you right in the side. You stumbled then of course with your luck you fell right off the stage. You caught yourself with your arms but heard a sickening crack when you landed and your left arm went limp. You yelped out and had about a dozen people surrounding you. Luke runs over to you and apologizes too many times to count. A paramedic runs over and makes everyone move out of the way. You were laying on the floor still and crying your eyes out. "Your wrist is definitely broken.", She confirms," You're gonna have to go to the hospital." You end up going and because of the show none of the boys could come with you which devastates Luke. He was off his game the whole night because of his guilt and worry for you.

Ashton: You were on Ashton's back standing at the end of a long hallway with Calum on Luke back beside you two. "Ready.. Set.. GO!", Michael screams at the four of you. Your boyfriend starts running like crazy to beat the other boys when he loses his footing and you slam into a wall then crash on the floor. "HOLY FUCK", you scream the words that rarely come from your mouth. "Are you alright y/n? I'm really sorry!", your boyfriend says while examining you," What hurts?" "My collarbones.", you gasp out in pain. "Yeah it definitely doesn't look right. Shit. I'm so sorry baby. Lets get you to the hospital.", Ashton says. And sure enough when you arrived at the hospital almost right away they were able to tell that you broke it.

Michael: You were sitting on the couch with the rest of the boys besides Michael who was currently getting snacks for all of you. "Hey guys come here! Quick!" Michael yells from the kitchen. All of you got up and raced towards the kitchen. You beat them which should be something you should be happy about but you slipped on something that was on the floor and landed on the back. Right when you slipped your ankle had twisted and that was what hurt you the most. "Fuck, y/n are you okay?! I put butter and oil on the floor hoping one of the guys would get hurt. I didn't think you would be the first in here.", Michael explains while running to your aid. You sit up and take a look at your ankle, not even noticing the tears that were spilling from your eyes. It was already swollen and bruised. "It's fine, just please take me to the hospital. I think I broke my ankle!", you cry out.

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