You two fight

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You two fight

Michael: "Are you fucking kidding me?" You screamed as you walked into the living room of your house. You and Michael were the only ones in the house, but the house should have been empty by now. "What?" He asked as he looked away from tv and up at you. You folded your arms across your chest and glared at him. "We were supposed to be at my Aunt's wedding about half an hour ago and here you are, on your god damn ass still in your pajamas." You spat. You were beyond frustrated. You had gone out to go grab the cake for the reception and expected Michael to be ready when you got back, but he wasn't. "Calm down, it literally takes me five minutes to get ready." "Okay, if it takes you five minutes then why didn't you take five minutes of your time while I was gone to get ready?! God, you're so lazy!" He raised his eyebrows at you and laughed. "We wouldn't have been late in the first place if you didn't take five hours to get ready." He yelled back at you. You stood in place and groaned. "And now we're wasting more time because you're still not ready!" "Whatever, arguing isn't getting us anywhere." He waved his hand dismissively and walked past you into your room to get ready. You stormed out of the house and walked towards the car, still mad at him.

Ashton: "Why are you so mad about this, (Y/N)? It's pointless." You stared at him in disbelief. "I'm mad because you're leaving in two days and we haven't spent one day with just you and me. You always have something better to do than hang out with your girlfriend." You yelled at him in complete anger. You wanted nothing more than to hit upside the head multiple times, but that would make this fight even worse than it already was. He sighed and got up from the couch. "Let's go out then, (Y/N). I'll take you wherever the hell you want to go as long as you stop nagging me." You gasped. He clearly didn't care that you had feelings. "God, you're such an arse." You shook your head at him and walked past him, bumping your shoulder into his aggressively. "Why do you get upset over the smallest things? It's so fucking annoying. Ashton do this, Ashton don't do that, Ashton stop being rude, Ashton I hate you. I can never win with you! It's like you need constant attention 24/7." He groaned, his jaw clenching. "Well, sorry for caring! Sometimes, I wonder why I even got with you because lately all you've been is a complete asshole. You treat me like I'm just a piece of shit. I hate the way you talk to me." You stared at him, waiting for him to say something. You were hoping he would apologize for his behaviour and you would have a heart to heart, but he didn't. He just stood there looking at you with no expression on his face. "I'm going for a walk. See you on the flip side." He gave you a small wave then walked out of the house, leaving you standing there; frustrated and upset.

Calum: "Here we go again." Calum rolled his eyes as you continued to yell at him for the millionth time this week. "Well, maybe if you weren't such an idiot!" "How does that make me an idiot in any way, (Y/N)? Please do tell me because I'd love to know. God, you're just so needy and you get jealous way too easily. Yes, I was out with a friend, no, I do not like her. I love you, and I don't know how many fucking times I have to tell you that before it actually gets through that thick skill of yours. I. Love. You. And sorry that I spend my time on my twitter tweeting fans, but there are girls out there who love me and I can make their days just by sending them one tweet or pressing one button. Sorry if I haven't paid much attention to you lately, but I have so much on my plate it's hard for me to always be there for you and - baby no, please don't cry." He rushed towards you and grabbed onto you, pulling you into his chest. You wrapped your arms around his chest and sobbed quietly. "I'm sorry I have been such a bitch lately..." You apologized as you sniffled. He stroked your hair slowly and leaned his cheek on the top of your head. "I hate it when you cry." He kissed the top of your head and the two of you stayed like that for a few minutes. "I love you, okay?" Calum told you as he looked directly into your eyes. "No one else, just you. Never forget that." He leaned forward and gave you a kiss.

Luke: "And you're not going to say anything?" Luke asked as you stood outside your house. You just stared at him and he raised his eyebrows at you. "Well?!" "I'm sorry-" "You're kidding me, right? What the fuck!? Your parents were literally bashing every thing about me and you just sat there and didn't say a single thing to defend me in any way possible. Clearly we know who means more to who in this relationship, because if my parents were saying the things your parents were saying about you I would have stuck up for you the second they said something bad." He tugged at his hair and you felt tears stream down your cheek. "You don't get it. My parents are-" "Strict? Yeah, I get that, but that doesn't excuse the fact that they just said straight up in my face that what I want to do with my life isn't good enough for their daughter. I didn't know I needed to have an application filled out to date you. I'm sorry, (Y/N), but if you're going to let someone - especially your parents - talk about me like they just did then I really don't want to see you anymore." He shook his head at you and started to walk away. "Luke! Please don't do this..." You pleaded, hoping he would stay and not leave you. "Just leave me alone. I need some space." "But... I love you..." You whispered. He turned around and gave you a sympathetic look and sighed. "Maybe when I'm good enough for you I'll talk to you then." And with that he walked away from you.

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