Ruined surprise

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ruined surprise


My mom decided to take me out shopping for my birthday, and we had an amazing day. We went to the mall, then downtown to see some small shops that had cute things in them. She paid for all of it and told me to consider it a part of my gift. I thanked her and she drove me home. When we pulled into the driveway, I heard her phone vibrate in the cup holder between us. I look at it and I see a text from Ashton. "From Ashton: We're almost read-" is all I can read aloud before she rips the phone out of my hand. "That's not for you" she says as she leaves the car. Puzzled, I step out of the door and cautiously walk up the front steps. Why was Ashton talking to my mom? I soon find out, because when I go into the house, my family and friends (and Ashton of course) are standing around in the kitchen eating, laughing, and having a good time. They all see me and yell "Happy birthday" together. I look over at my mom telling Ashton about what happened in the car, catch his eye, and giggle when he sticks out his tongue at me for looking at my mom's text messages.


"Are you ready to go? We have to be there before she gets home". The message appears on my lock screen just as I'm about to head home. I stare at it, confused, wondering when I ever agreed to go somewhere with Calum before "she" got home. I focus on driving for a bit, but my phone keeps buzzing with more messages from the other boys. They continue discussing when they will leave so they're not late, and I text back "What?" when I get to a stop light. They all stop for a few minutes, and I still have no responses when I reach my house. I unlock the door and step inside, only to jump back when the four boys yell out "Surprise!" in unison. It all makes sense to me now. "Sorry about that, Y/N" Calum says as he walks towards me. "I didn't realize that I sent that in the group chat that you were in. I thought it was just them" he says, and we all laugh, heading the kitchen to get some food to add to our enjoyment.


Michael somehow convinced me to go with him somewhere. "Somewhere" is the exact word he used and for whatever reason he wouldn't tell me where we were going. But we were going there, alright. I put my hood up and rest my head on the window, exhausted from the late night before. Michael tells me that he needs to pick up the other boys, too, so he pulls up by Calum's house and they all hop in, their three tall bodies squished into the back seat. After a little while, Ashton says, "Mike, how is Y/N getting there? She doesn't know that the party's for her, right?" Michael stops short at the stoplight. I pick my head up and realize that he must have not seen me when he got in. Michael turns around and glares at him as I turn around, too. "Oh," Ashton says when he sees me. "Surprise?"


My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out to find a text from Luke. "Can you get the Reese's to put on the cake?" it says, and I'm quite confused. I did hear some talk about there being a surprise party for me, as my birthday was yesterday, but why was he asking me? Reese's are my favorite candy, though. Seconds later, I receive another text from him. "Oh I'm so sorry I meant to text my mom for my brother's party today hahah". I knew his brother's birthday was right around mine, but I wasn't that gullible to believe that. Plus, I knew that whenever he texted "hahah" he was nervous, because otherwise he would've finished the word with an a. Later, I come home to find a few of my friends over for my surprise party. I try my best to act surprised, but I'm no actress. Luke comes up to me, laughing at himself. "That was supposed to go to your mom" he chuckles, looking intently at his shoes. "I figured" I giggle, patting his arm and he takes my hand, leading me into the not-so-surprise party.

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