you get in car crash ( no mikey)

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Ashton: You heard a steady beeping and felt a large amount of pressure on your head. You groaned and opened your eyes, squinting at the bright white lights above you. You turned your head to face the person sitting in the chair beside your bed. A teary-eyed Ashton met your gaze. "Oh, Y/N, thank God". he sobbed. "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry!" You were confused. "Ash! Shhh it's ok, babe. Don't cry."Ashton sniffled, wiping his eyes and placing your hand against his slightly bruised cheek. "Why am I here, Ash?" You asked, causing Ashton to take a deep shaky breath. "We-We were driving home from dinner and..." his voice cracked and he started to cry again. "And we were singing at the top of our lungs. You told me I was going too fast b-b-but I wasn't listening and we hit another car and..." He put his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking. "I promised you I'd never hurt you and I broke that promise!" he said between sobs. You ran your fingers through his hair, gently tugging him up so you could kiss his bruised cheek. "Ash, I'm ok. Please stop crying." He sniffled again and nodded. "I love you. So much." he whispered softly, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. 


You had just left your job after an awful day at work. The customers were rude and your boss wouldn’t get off your back. You got into your car, praying it would start without a problem. You had gotten your car worked on about a week ago and it had cost you a fortune. After a few tries, the engine sputtered to life and you pulled out of the parking lot. As you pulled up to a red light, you heard honking behind you. “I can’t go anywhere! The light is freaking red!”  you yelled at nobody in particular. Suddenly, your car was hit from behind sending you lurching into the intersection and right in the path of an oncoming car. When your car stopped spinning you rubbed your head, feeling a small cut. You threw your door open and sat on the ground. The front of your car was crushed. Eventually you heard sirens and someone sat down next to you. A cute blue-eyed paramedic put his hand on your shoulder. “Hi. I’m Luke.” he smiled sympathetically, pointing to the cut on your head. “Let’s get that checked out, yeah?”

Calum: You and your husband, Calum were in the car driving home from your niece’s birthday party. You were just chatting and singing along to the radio when two headlights flashed in front of you. You collided with the truck heading right for you. You must have temporarily blacked out because you heard sirens and saw flashing lights when you opened your eyes. “Cal?” you said. It hurt to talk. You must have broken a few ribs when you hit the steering wheel. At least you had been wearing a seat belt. You turned your head to find Calum slumped in the seat next to you. “Calum?! Baby?! Please wake up!!” You were crying now. You gently shook his shoulder. “Y/N?” You reached for his hand. “I’m right here, baby.” He gripped your hand with the little strength he had and whimpered. “Babe, it hurts so much.” he said, a tear escaping his eye. The firefighter and police got the two of you out of the car and sent you off to the hospital. You had broken two of your ribs and had a concussion but Calum wasn’t so lucky. He had a broken wrist, ankle, and shoulder. When they finally let you see him, he was covered in casts and bandages, but he was alive. You sat next to his bed and gently held his hand. When he woke up, you told him what happened and kissed his forehead. “I’m sorry about your car Cal.” you said. You knew how much he loved that car. “Don’t worry about it. At least we’re ok.”  

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