He forgets an important event

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He forgets an important date.

Ashton: You woke up bright and early knowing you had a day off work. It was your birthday and all you wanted to do was spend a day inside with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend who was still adorably snoring. You decided to go to the living room and watch TV until he woke up. Thankfully there was a Teen Wolf marathon on so Dylan O'Brien could keep you company until Ashton woke up. It was a full hour until he emerged from your bedroom.

"Y/N," A sleepy voice called out from the bedroom.

"In here," you replied and he soon came walking out. He was scratching his head in confusion.

"How come you're not at work?" Typical Ash. You could either make him feel guilty or just get to your relaxing day with him. You looked at his bed head and sleepy confused smile and knew which way you would go.

"Just wanted a day in with my favourite person in the world" He walked over to the couch and pulled you into a cuddle.

"I hope you mean me because I don't think I can handle a Thur-", he trailed off, "Thursday, today's your birthday. I totally forgot. I was supposed to.."

You cut him off with a kiss. "All I wanted was to spend a day with you and maybe we can order some pizza in later."

He smiled and said, " What did I do to deserve you?" You simply blushed and shyly smiled.

There were a few moments of silence and you were finally getting into your episode when,

" I'm still your favourite person in the world even though I forgot your birthday right?" he interrupted the silence.

You gave him a kiss on the cheek and said in to the crook of his neck," You'll always be my favourite person in the world."

Luke: You had spend most of the day with your best friends. They had given you the best gift of a scrapbook with all these perfect memories with them and most recently, Luke. He had to go the studio today. You knew it was important. They were recording for their new album and your birthday was not high priority. But not even a text was sent from him saying "Happy Birthday." The rest of the boys had each sent theirs and you knew he had some spare time as he had been tweeting. I mean you didn't mind him not being there for today but not even a text or even a tweet so it wouldn't go out of his way. You got home and he was there sitting on the couch watching a movie. You immediately walked into your bedroom and slammed your door shut. It was only a minute later when he knocked on the door.

"Y/N, Are you okay?" he asked through the door.

"Why would I be okay? When my boyfriend is too busy for me on my birthday." you replied. He opened the door to find you in bed, crying under the covers. He got under and pulled you into a cuddle. He kissed your cheek and wiped away your tears.

"I promise I didn't forget. I had a really big day planned for you tomorrow. I wanted a whole day to you by myself."

You turned around and smiled. "Really? Then why didn't you even text me?" you asked.

"Because I wanted to surprise you. I guess me being romantic didn't work." You laughed and smiled in to the crook of his neck.

"It did. I'm just a moody girlfriend. I love you." He kissed the top of your head.

"And I love you, Y/N


It was your birthday and something told you that Michael had forgotten that small detail. You didn't mind. He treated everyday as if it was your birthday and it didn't matter if he was working today. Besides you had a big party later on and you were looking to forward to celebrate with him. You were supposed to get to the club with him but he still hadn't arrived. A beep from your phone notified a text from him.

"Hey Y/N. I'm working a little later than usual but the boys will meet you at the club. Love you xx."

That was fine. As long as he was there, right? You got dressed in one of your favourite dresses and set off to the club. The rest of the band was there welcoming you with hugs and kisses on cheeks.

"Michael should be here soon. He's just finishing off writing." Ashton reassured you, with a smile.

You just nodded. It was getting late. You were tired and people at the club were getting grabby. You knew how protective Michael was so you decided to leave. You told the guys to tell Michael where you were when he came and then you left. You were just outside trying to get a cab when you heard your name being shouted. It was Michael trying to get your attention. He ran up to you and pulled you in to a hug.

"I'm so sorry I was late. I was writing for you and I just wanted it to be finished...," He trailed off just staring at your smile,

"You're smiling. Why are you smiling? You should be angry. You should shout at me." You couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness.

"You're here with me. What else can I do but smile?" You replied. You grabbed his hand and started to lead him home. "Come on, we're going to go home and get dressed down and play video games." You said.

Michael laughed and said,"Seems perfect to me."


You stared confused at Calum who was struggling to put his shoes on.

"I'm going round to Luke's," he explains in a rush, "He's got some new lyrics he wants us to mess around with."

You just reply with a small, "Oh."

You did feel hurt. It was your birthday. Even just a hour with a movie and some cuddles would be great. As long as it was with him. You moved in to the kitchen.

"I'll just phone some of the girls. See if they're free for a movie or something."

There was no reply. He was already gone. There was no point. You might as well just stay at home all day by yourself. So you did. It was half way through your Supernatural marathon when a call came from Luke saying there was an emergency regarding Calum. You quickly grab your keys and make your way over to Luke's house. The front door was open and everywhere was darkness.

"Calum," You called out, " Luke, where are you? This isn't funny." You entered the front room and the lights turned on.

"Surprise Y/N," Shouted everyone, "Happy Birthday." You were enveloped in hugs from everyone. There was your whole family and all your friends from work and school. You made sure to say hi to everyone before reaching Calum who was leaning against the door just staring at you. laughing with everybody.

You gave him a discreet kiss on the side of his mouth before peppering his whole face with kisses enunciating each one with a "Thank you."

He cupped your face with his hands and just whispered a "I love you. Remember that. I would never forget this day. The best day of my life because it meant that you were brought to me and I could never live without you." You were brought tears by his words. He wiped away your tears and spun you around so you were on his side wrapped under his arm.

You suddenly laughed and said," One of my cousins are going to break something you know that?"

He chuckled.

"Luke is going to kill me but it'll be okay. You'll just have to go down with me after all it is your birthday"

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