He comes home early from tour

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he comes home early from tour

Michael: Your sitting on your bed on your laptop playing music and singing along when the song beside you by 5 seconds of summer starts playing. You stop singing when you hear the door open downstairs. As you walk down the stairs you hear someone talking. Noticing who the voice belongs to you walk down the stairs the rest of the way and see your boyfriend Michael talking on the phone with one of his bandmates. He turns around and sees you standing there. He hangs up the phone and walks to you. He picks you up and hugs you tightly. "i missed you so much" he says and kisses you. "i missed you to" you say look at him. he puts you down still hugging you. "i thought you on tour untill next month" you say looking at him. "i am but, i missed you to much." You smile and kiss him again. "i love you". "i love you to babe"

Calum: You where about to go to sleep, it was almost 3 a.m. and you had work tomarrow. You change your clothes and get in bed. What seems like a few minuits turns into hours and your still not asleep. About an hour later you decide to call your boyfriend Calum. After the first ring he picks up. "hey babe" you say sleepily. "hey babe what are you doing up this early" he says into the phone. "i cant sleep" you say. "well come down to the front door in about an hour." "why" yoyu asked "just do it" he said and hung up. About an hour later. Theres a knock on the door. You get up walking down the stairs. As you open the door you see your boyfriend there smiling. You smiles and hug him tightly. "i missed you Cal" you say and yawn. "we'll have time to talk in the morning princess but, right now you need some sleep" he said and walked with you upstairs. You both laied down in bed and cuddled. "i love you Cal" "i love you to" he says as you start falling asleep.

Ashton: Your standing in the kitchen cooking. Your boyfriend Ashton was on tour with his band and wasn't suposted to be back for about a month. As your cooking you grab your phone and check your text messages. you see you have a new text from Ashton. 'good morning darlin' just got done with another show'. you reply and asked him what he was doing now. 'i'm on a flight to go to the next location' he says and you reply 'where are you going to now' he doesn't reply and you just start cooking again. later on your sitting down at the table and eating. "why didn't you cook me anything babe" Ashton says and walks up behind you. you get up and hug him. "i missed you so much" you say as he hugs you back. "i missed you to" he says and sits down. he takes a bite out of your food. you pick up you plate before he can get another bite. "hey i'm hunger to" "well i'll go make you some food as i eat then" you say and look at him. "but, i want food now" he says like a two year old. he pouts and you give in and put some of you food on a different plate and give it to him. he smiles and kisses you quickly. "thanks babe"

Luke: You where sitting on the couch watching a movie and cuddling with your boyfriend luke's pinguine. you get up when the movies over and go up stairs still holding the pinguine in your arms. you lay down in bed and text your luke saying your going to bed. at around 2 a.m. you think you hear someone walking into your room. you turn to the door and see luke standing there stareing at you. you smile and get up. you hug him and neither one of you say anything you just stand there holding eachother. he walks you over to the bed and laies down beside you. "i missed you" he said "i missed you to" you say and snuggle yourself into his chest. he smiles and kisses your forehead. "goodnight babe i love you" he says "love you to good night luke" you say and you both fall asleep.

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