He Finds Out You Have Cancer

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He Finds Out You Have Cancer 

Ashton: When you had told Ashton about having to go through chemo because of the cancer, he promised to be there every step of the way. Today was your first round of chemo, and to be honest, you were scared. You could tell Ashton was feeling just as nervous as you throughout all of this, but he kept a poker face and chose to be the strong one. The nurse hooked up the IV and left the room. "So I brought some movies to watch if that sounds fun to you?" Ashton pulled out his lap top, you put your hand over his. "You don't always have to act all strong." He paused a moment and looked over at you. "I know that I don't have to be, but I want to. I want to support you as much as I can." He kissed your cheek. "So what movie sounds good to watch?"

Calum: "(Y/N), why have you been acting so distant for the past couple days? I thought you would cancel this date like you have with the last two." Calum had his arm around your shoulders and you had your head rested on his chest. "Cal I have cancer. And it has progressed past the point of me getting chemo or radiation." Calum took his are away and re positioned himself to look you in the eyes. "What does this mean?" You felt tears sting your eyes. "I have at least three months, and I know when we started dating you didn't sign up to be with a girl who has cancer, and I understand if you want to end things-" Calum stopped you. "Now you're talking crazy. I would never leave you, I am too in love with you. I promise I will make the next three months amazing. Okay?" You nodded and kissed him.

Luke: Two days before you had been to the Doctors office, and he confirmed what you had been most afraid of. Your cancer was back. Luke had already been with you throughout your battle with cancer two years ago, and it took a lot out of him. You couldn't do that to him again. "Luke it came back, the cancer is back." You were in tears. Luke immediately wrapped his arms around you. "It's okay you have beaten it before, we're going to get through this again don't worry." You pulled out of his embrace. "We have to break up. I can't put you through this again. It is my burden and you shouldn't have to be out through it." You got up and headed to your car. "(Y/N) stop! Wait!" Luke called out to you, in tears. "I love you!" He turned your head back ."I love you too, this is why I have to do this."

Michael: You had told Michael about having cancer, two days ago. You expected him to embrace you into a hug or something supportive, but he jut ran out of your house and drove away. You tried calling and texting him with no response. You took that as him not wanting to be a part of it. You were sitting at dinner with your parents, awkward silence has filled your house ever since your parents found out about the cancer as well. They didn't know how to act around you, you have never felt so alone in your life. The doorbell rang and you jumped up to answer it. Michael was there with multiple shopping bags. "I am so sorry." You let him in. "I didn't know what to do at first. I was so scared, but I went out and found books on what you're going to have to go through, and I bought things for your hospital room, and I'm going to be here for you." He dropped the bags and hugged you. "I love you, and you're going to beat this thing."

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