cold feet

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cold feet

Ashton: “I can’t do this,” you admitted to your best friend on the other side of the bathroom door. “Do what?” she inquired, utterly lost. “Marry Ashton!” you explained impatiently, “I can’t do it!” “You’re being ridiculous,” she laughed, “You love Ashton and he loves you!” “What if one day he doesn’t love me anymore?” you wondered aloud, pacing the bathroom as your thoughts ran a mile a minute. “You know that won’t happen,” she sighed. “What if he wakes up one day and realizes he could do so much better? I don’t wanna go through that. I’d rather end it now,” you decided, feeling sick with worry. Silence followed, but only for about a minute before a more forceful knock came to the door. “Y/n?” Ashton called out, “Can you let me in?” “You can’t see me,” you reminded him. “Well, you can’t call off our wedding,” he returned easily. “Ash, I don’t wanna get hurt,” you explained as a thousand emotions threatened to burst forward as tears. “Neither do I,” Ashton shared, “Yet here I am on my wedding day, trying to convince the love of my life that I’m worth the risk.” “Ashton,” you sighed, not wanting to hear his guilt-trip, “It’s different for you.” “How?” he questioned instantly. “Can you just leave me be?” you begged. “I’m coming in,” he informed you before unlocking the door. You were seated on the counter with tears trailing down your face, luckily still without makeup, and your hair up in a towel. Your silk ‘Bride’ robe was all that you wore as you had just gotten out of the shower. “You’re not supposed to see me,” you repeated weakly. “Well, I don’t think this is what you’re gonna look like walking down the aisle,” Ashton pointed out, “So we’re fine.” You looked down at your painted toe nails, examining them to avoid Ashton’s imploring stare. “Can you talk to me?” he pleaded quietly. “I just don’t want you to realize you settled for me in a few months or maybe years and regret marrying me,” you mumbled as tears continued to slip down your face. “I asked you to marry me because I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life,” Ashton reminded you, “And nothing can change that.” “Really?” you sniffed, your teary eyes meeting his. “Really,” he assured you, “So will you please marry me?” He got down on one knee beside the counter, grabbing your hand and smiling up at you lovingly. “Okay,” you answered with an easy grin. “Thanks,” he chuckled, standing up to kiss you - a last assurance that his love was real.

Michael: “Guys, wake up,” Luke commanded the second he noticed Michael missing, “Boys! Michael’s gone!” Ashton sat up instantly and Calum rolled out of bed, tired but alert. “Where could he have gone?” Ashton wondered as he quickly dressed. “I dunno,” Luke answered, “Maybe he skipped out.” “He wouldn’t do that,” Ashton argued, “He loves Y/n.” “But he’s also scared of marriage,” Calum pointed out seriously, “I could see him trying to run off, and if we don’t find him and get him back here, you know they’ll be over. You don’t get a second chance after leaving someone at the altar.” “Well where would he go?” Ashton questioned in a panic. “Somewhere he could get a drink,” Luke suggested. “He’s such a lightweight,” Calum recalled, “We can’t let him get drunk before the wedding even starts.” They took off for the hotel bar first, keeping an eye out for the brightly colored head that was Michael Clifford. Having no luck there, they searched wildly around the hotel for any sign of Michael having been there. “Stop!” Calum shouted, pointing out a window at what appeared to be their missing friend. They ran to the nearest door and out across the grounds, following Michael into the hotel coffee shop. “Michael!” they yelled in unison, practically tackling him to the ground. “What’s going on?” he wondered, confused. “We thought you left,” Calum admitted breathlessly. “Well, I did,” Michael admitted, “I couldn’t sleep all night, because I kept thinking about today. I couldn’t help but think that this was all a mistake. I just wasn’t sure about the whole marriage thing. But anyway, I left early this morning and went and got some food and I really thought about leaving, but I was getting so many tweets wishing me luck and congratulating me, and fans kept posting pictures of Y/n and I from way back on our first date and stuff. I realized that I’m never gonna find another girl that is so obviously right for me, ya know? Y/n is the only girl I could ever spend my whole life with. And as much as the idea of marriage freaks me out, I know that with Y/n that’s what I want. So here I am.” He smiled weakly at them and blushed, never liking to be the one to admit feelings. “You’re gonna make me cry,” Calum chuckled, only partially joking. “Yeah, well, I was grabbing some coffee to take up to Y/n’s room for her,” Michael shared, “And then I’ll meet you back at the room, okay?” “No way,” Ashton decided, “We still aren’t leaving you unsupervised.” “Fair enough,” Michael agreed, although he knew there was no way he would miss marrying you now.

Luke: Luke examined himself in the mirror, straightening his tie and trying to ignore the watchful eyes of everyone else in the room. “This is it,” his brother, Jack, stated, his eyes full of pride and nostalgia as it sunk in that his littlest brother was getting married. “Little baby Luke!” Calum cooed with a grin. Luke nodded, not taking much notice to anyone’s words at this point. “Just a few more minutes, really,” Ashton noticed, anticipation clear in his voice. “I need some air,” Luke muttered, ducking out of the room and onto the back porch. He leaned against the railing, loosening his tie as he fought to get more air to his lungs. “Nervous?” a voice behind him inquired, making him jump. “Is that bad?” Luke wondered, turning to his older brother and finally letting the fear in his mind make its way onto his face. “No, I was freaking out on my wedding day,” Jack shared. “I don’t even know how to be a husband,” Luke blurted out, his voice higher than usual. “You’ll be a great husband,” Jack assured him, “We’ve always said you’re more the marriage type than the dating type, anyway.” “Really?” Luke asked, never having heard that from Jack before. “Yeah because you don’t have to do any of the cordial impressing anymore,” Jack reminded him, “It’s all compromising and working together on things and honestly it’s kind of great.” “People - well, Michael - say that marriage is an awful idea,” Luke mumbled, embarrassed to be letting Michael’s teasing get to him. “If you really love Y/n, which I know you do, then marriage is gonna be great,” Jack assured him, “She’s an awesome girl and she’s so in love with you, and honestly marrying her is probably the best thing you could do.” “You think?” Luke asked, relaxing a bit. “You’re sure not gonna do any better,” Jack laughed, punching Luke’s arm lightly. “True,” Luke granted, laughing as well. “Come on,” Jack invited, nodding toward the door, “Your hair is deflating.” 

Calum: Calum woke up in an unfamiliar bed with an unfamiliar feeling in his chest. This was the day. He took a deep breath and carefully untangled his limbs from yours. He rolled out of bed, giving you one last look over - the last he’d get before he saw you walking down the aisle. Only a few minutes later he arrived at the doorstep to the house he had planned to be staying in with his groomsmen. “Calum!” Ashton sighed in relief once Calum opened the door. “What?” Calum questioned, confused. “We thought we lost you,” Luke explained. “Lost me?” Calum repeated, “I’m an adult, ya know.” “We know,” Luke assured him, “But it’s our job to keep you from skipping out today, and we thought we had already failed.” “I stayed with Y/n,” Calum informed his mates, “Wait - why would I skip out?” “Ya know,” Michael began, “The sudden realization that today you’re essentially signing away your entire life and will be stuck with one woman for the rest of your life.” “Oh,” Calum noted, his voice cracking a bit as fear settled in. “But if you’re good with that then no problem,” Michael added, clapping him on the shoulder. “I’m - I’m gonna be married,” Calum stated weakly. Michael nodded, wondering how Calum was just now working this out. “I’m gonna be a - a husband,” Calum muttered, eyes wide with fear. The three boys nodded encouragingly. “I need a drink,” Calum mumbled, moving toward the kitchen. “Woah, woah, woah,” Ashton interjected, blocking his way, “It’s eight in the morning. You don’t need a drink.” “Ashton, I’m about to sign my life away,” Calum reminded him, “I need a drink.” “You’re not signing your life away,” Ashton corrected, rolling his eyes, “You’re promising to be with the love of your life, and she’s promising the same.” Calum nodded numbly. “You love Y/n,” Ashton shared, “And this is what you’ve wanted for years, so sorry but I won’t let you show up at your own wedding drunk. You’re gonna want to remember it.” “You’re right,” Calum agreed hopefully, “I get to be with Y/n forever. That’s a good thing.” “Yes it is,” Ashton confirmed, “Now go shower.”


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