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*Y/B/N = your band's name

Calum: "Calum, Calum, Calum!" you shout, jumping on your shared bed. "What?" Calum groans, rolling over. You straddle his torso and he finally opens his eyes, seeing his ecstatic girlfriend surprisingly close to his face. "What's going on?" he asks sleepily. "I won," you whisper, barely able to contain your excitement. "You won?" he asks, not following. "I won the bet! You have to be my slave for a day!" you explain. Calum sits up in surprise, nearly knocking you off the bed. "You're number one?" Calum clarifies. "In forty countries," you add, nodding. "Y/n!" Calum shouts before kissing you. You giggle as Calum kisses all over you. He picks you up and spins you around, mumbling about how talented his girlfriend is. "Your first number one!" He cheers, kissing you again. "I know!" you agree in delight. "Number one in America?" he asks, unable to believe it. "We knocked you down to number two," you confirm with satisfaction. "I'm okay with that," he laughs, kissing you over and over as if he has no other way to express how thrilled he is. "We have to celebrate!" he realizes, "Get dressed. We're going out." You obey, and Calum dresses as well. A chime from your phone alerts you of a twitter notification. You open twitter to see a tweet from Calum5SOS; "I've never been more excited to get bumped from #1! @Y/N IS NUMBER ONE! MY GF IS SO TALENTED (and sexy) Going to celebrate :P" You look up to find Calum taking a picture of you. "You're embarrassing me," you laugh, making a face at him. "If I'm embarrassing you now, just wait until we're out in public," Calum says seriously.

Ashton: "Tell me a little about your upcoming album," the interviewer shouts over the commotion of the red carpet. "Well," Ashton begins, "We've all been working really hard to get just the right sound and - holy..." Suddenly Ashton was entirely distracted, his attention fully on you as you and your band made your way down the carpet. "Who's that?" the interviewer asks the other boys as he follows Ashton's gaze. "That's Y/B/N," Luke answers, "Y/n, the only girl, is Ashton's girlfriend." "Well, let's get her over here, then!" the interviewer suggests. Ashton takes off, hurrying up to you and grabbing your hand. "We're doing an interview," he informs you, "Come on." He pulls you away from your laughing band members and into the view of the camera. "You look - you look incredible," Ashton whispers in awe as the attention is directed on the interviewer introducing you. Blushing and spluttering, you almost miss the fact that the interviewer is speaking to you as he says, "You look great." "She looks unbelievable," Ashton corrects, still somewhat in awe. "Ashton, stop," you murmur, blushing. "What? You do!" He insists, "My girlfriend is probably the most dazzling girl on this carpet." "I'd have to agree," the interviewer chuckles, "That's certainly the best dress I've seen." "Well, thank you," you respond politely. "I, uh, I should get back to my band," you say more to Ashton than the camera. "Oh yeah," he agrees before turning to the camera and informing the viewers, "Y/B/N is opening the whole award show, so stay tuned." "Okay, bye," you giggle. Ashton pulls you back, kissing you longingly. "Okay, good luck up there," he mumbles before you hurry off. "You two are cute," the interviewer compliments, "How long have you been together?" "A little over a year now," Ashton answers, unable to contain the grin that takes over whenever he's asked about you. "Could we be seeing a wedding in the near future?" the interviewer asks hopefully. "I would love that," Ashton admits, his eyes on you again as you do another interview with your own band.

Michael: "Wasn't Y/B/N just fantastic tonight?" Michael asks the crowd at the 5 Seconds of Summer gig you had just opened for. He looks into the wing and catches your eye, grinning as you listen to the cheers of the crowd. "Aw, Michael is so supportive of his girlfriend's band," Calum coos. "Woah," Michael says, turning away from you and back to his microphone, "Y/n is not my girlfriend." "Not yet," Calum sings, sending a wink in your direction. You blush and turn away, pretending you didn't listen to the exchange. You sit backstage through the concert, enduring the teasing coming from your band mates and knowing it isn't half as bad as what you are about to receive from 5SOS. Soon the 5SOS boys are joining your band backstage, talking excitedly about the concert and acting as if the comment about you had never occurred. "You guys were great tonight," Michael compliments. "Thanks, you too," you respond shyly. "Did you - did you watch it?" Michael asks, suddenly concerned. "Er, some," you respond evasively. You know what he's wondering; did you hear Calum's comment? The two of you are rescued from the awkward situation by Calum coming up and throwing an arm around you. "The crowd loved you tonight," he informs you with a smile. "You're sweaty," you respond, removing his arm from your shoulder. "So is Michael, and you didn't make him back up," Calum notices, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked him." With that, Calum walks away, leaving you blushing and at a loss for words. "Sorry about Calum," Michael mumbles, "He's kind of being a dick tonight, but he's just trying to help." "Help what?" you ask, feigning ignorance. "I dunno, help you to see that I like you," Michael admits weakly. "You do?" you ask with an uncontrollable grin. "I have for, like, ever," he informs you, an adorable blush creeping onto his cheeks. You can't help but giggle as you respond that you like him, too.

Luke: "Who is your celebrity crush?" the interviewer asks 5 Seconds of Summer. "Why don't you take this one, Luke?" Michael asks with a laugh. "I don't really have one," Luke lies, his red cheeks giving him away instantly. "Don't be shy," Calum coaxes. "I'll answer for you then," Michael offers, "Luke is obsessed with Y/n." "From Y/B/N?" the interviewer clarifies. "The one and only," Michael confirms. "I am not obsessed!" Luke corrects, "I just think she's talented." "She tweeted about us last week and you nearly fainted," Ashton chimes in, making Calum and Michael laugh and Luke turn an even darker shade of red. "Y/n is very pretty," the interviewer agrees, "We had her band on our show yesterday, actually." "Did you really?" Luke asks with interest. "You didn't watch it?" the interviewer asks, surprised. Luke shakes his head and the interviewer laughs before telling him, "She said her celebrity crush was you." "You're messing with me," Luke disagrees, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm not," the interviewer promises, "Watch it for yourself when we're done." "What else did she say about me?" Luke inquires, trying to keep the excitement form his voice, but failing. "She said you had great hair and a great voice," the interviewer informs him. "Oh my..." Luke mumbles in awe. "Call her up," the interviewer suggests, "We're into match making here." "He can barely speak he's so excited," Michael points out, laughing. "She thinks I have great hair," Luke repeats, grinning like a school boy. "Love is in the air," the interviewer sighs. "And a great voice," Luke mumbles, still bareley believing it. "If there's a wedding, we expect to have exclusive coverage," the interviewer jokes, making the other three boys laugh, although Luke still isn't listening

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