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Ashton: Ashton sat in the main room of the bridal store, scrolling through twitter and trying his best to fight off the boredom that came with waiting for you to finish your dress fitting. A scream came from a fitting room, and Ashton’s head snapped up as he recognized the voice as yours. He hurried to the dressing room and stood outside, listening to the commotion within. “I’m sure it’s just a tailoring error,” an assistant explained. “It doesn’t zip! My dress won’t zip!” you shrieked in disbelief. Deciding you could use some sanity, Ashton knocked at the door urgently. “Y/n, it’s Ashton,” he called, “Um, I know you don’t want me seeing your dress but is there anything I can do?” He was surprised when the door flew open. You stood in the doorway in a flowing white gown with tears trailing down your face. “I’m so fat!” you cried, running into his arms. He held you closely, letting you cry as he searched his mind for an answer. “I’ve been eating healthy and working out and trying to lose weight for the wedding and - and how does it not zip?” you wailed. “You don’t look like you’ve gained weight,” Ashton pointed out helplessly. “The dress doesn’t lie,” you responded miserably. Ashton looked to the assistant, silently begging for help as she flipped through her notes. “Oh!” she said suddenly, making you turn back to her. “It looks like they took off two inches in the bust instead of the waist during alterations,” she explained. “R-really?” you hiccuped, looking down to notice that the waist was, in fact, too loose. “We can fix that up for you no problem,” the woman assured you with a victorious smile, “Can you come in next week for another fitting?” You nodded as you wiped your nose, laughing now at the mistake. “Everything’s okay then,” Ashton breathed  with a grateful smile. “Sorry about all that,” you muttered in embarrassment as you wiped tears from your cheeks. 

Michael: Michael came home to find you on the floor with a pile of wedding invitations. “Are you working hard?” he questioned as he surveyed the progress of what he assumed was putting together invitations. “The wedding is off,” you announced with resignation. “It is?” Michael questioned, taking a seat on the floor beside you. You nodded and sniffled, refusing to look at Michael. “That really sucks,” he sighed, “I was looking forward to that.” “Well too bad,” you responded with a shrug, trying to seem careless, but failing. “Why is the wedding off, my love?” Michael wondered patiently. “Look at these invitations,” you whimpered, handing him a card. He surveyed it seriously before turning to you for an explanation. “The font is a completely different shade from the ribbon!” you pointed out, frustrated that he didn’t notice right away. “Babe,” Michael sighed, “Can I be honest with you for a second?” You nodded miserably, not even looking up from the horrid invitation in your hand. “Promise you won’t get mad?” he prefaced carefully. You nodded again, finally looking toward him as you awaited his honesty. “You sound like those brides we make fun of on TV,” he pointed out, biting his lip to keep from laughing. “I do not!” you gasped, offended. “You just tried to call our wedding off because the invitations had two different shades of green,” Michael reminded you seriously. “Oh no,” you muttered, covering your mouth, “I do!” Michael nodded, laughing now at your look of horror. “I’m sorry. No more bridezilla,” you announced. “Does that mean the wedding is back on?” Michael inquired hopefully. “I guess so,” you answered with a shrug and a smirk.

Luke: “I can’t do this, Luke!” you called out as you stormed into the living room. “You can’t do what?” Luke questioned, sitting up with concern as he noticed the tears filling your eyes. “I can’t write my vows,” you groaned hopelessly as you took a seat beside him on the couch. “Why not?” Luke wondered, “Do you not love me?” He smiled at you in amusement and you rolled your eyes. “Everything sounds stupid,” you explained with a trembling lip, “It’s all so cheesy and yours are gonna be so good!” “Woah, don’t put that pressure on me,” Luke laughed lightly. “You’re better with words than I am,” you huffed, throwing the crumpled paper on the floor for emphasis. “Why don’t you write them later?” Luke suggested. “I can’t put things off,” you explained with a shake of your head. “The wedding is eight months away,” Luke reminded you, “You shouldn’t already be stressing about it.” “I can’t help it,” you informed him decidedly, “I worry about everything.” “Well don’t,” Luke instructed. He pulled you toward him, kissing your temple and rubbing your shoulders soothingly. “It’s not that easy,” you mumbled, melting under his touch. “Oh, but it is!” he assured you, standing up and rushing to your bedroom. He returned seconds later with a proud grin and his hands behind his back. “My first of many wedding gifts to you,” Luke announced, drawing an envelope from behind him and placing it in your hands. You pulled out what seemed to be a brochure, a picture of pine trees and a quaint cabin displayed on the front. “What is it?” you asked as you flipped it open. “We’re going away this weekend!” Luke stated proudly, “I booked a little cabin for us, and we leave tomorrow.” “You didn’t have to,” you assured him, although you couldn’t help the excited smile that lit up your face. “I don’t want my beautiful bride to stress,” Luke explained, “So I’m making a preemptive strike. No Bridezilla is happening here.” He poked you lovingly and you laughed. “But be warned, this cabin is a wedding free zone,” Luke added seriously, “So if I catch you so much as thinking about bouquets or cake or even vows, you’ll be in big trouble. Understand?” “Understood,” you confirmed. “Better get packing then,” Luke recommended. “I don’t deserve you,” you sighed in contentment.

Calum: “What do you mean you can’t cater the wedding?” you asked into the phone, not comprehending the clear message. “I booked you months ago!” you explained, your voice growing in volume as you grew in desperation. “No, it’s not okay! Where am I supposed to find another caterer this late? You can’t cancel like that! That is so unprofessional!” You continued to shout into the phone, ignoring the apologies coming from the innocent assistant on the other end. “Woah, woah, woah,” Calum muttered as he entered the room and hurried toward you. He grabbed the phone from your hand and held you back at arm’s length as he spoke to the caterer. “We understand,” he assured the frantically apologetic man. “No, we do not!” you yelled, hoping the man would hear you, “We demand some compensation or - or -” You’re cut off by Calum placing his hand firmly over your mouth. “Uh huh,” he spoke into the phone, “That’s alright. Thank you for calling.” He hung up the phone before releasing you cautiously. “We understand?” you repeated in a frenzy. “Yelling at him won’t help,” Calum explained patiently, “They can’t cater and that’s that.” “But they’re our restaurant,” you pointed out, remembering all the times you two went there for dates. “Honestly, I never even liked the food that much,” Calum stated with a shrug. “Yes you did,” you recalled with a frown, “You said every time we went there that it was your favorite.” “Okay, well, I liked it,” Calum admitted with a chuckle, “But who cares? We don’t need them! We’ll find a better restaurant.” “I don’t know how,” you mumbled hopelessly. “Well, if we can’t then the guests just won’t eat. I’m sure they/ll be fine with that,” Calum joked. You laughed, shaking your head at his easy going nature that you so admired. “I would go crazy without you,” you informed him. “You’re already crazy,” Calum responded as he lovingly kissed your forehead.


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