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Calum: "Calum!" You call, hurrying into his room where he lays in bed. "Have you been on twitter?" "No," he says sleepily. "Look," you say, pushing your phone into his hands. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and sits up, pulling you down onto his lap before beginning to scroll through your twitter. "Oh, man," he mumbles when he sees a picture of himself down on one knee, "I look so awkward." "Calum," you laugh, "You look perfect, but that's not the point." He ignores you, clicking play on a video. You watch as the Calum on the screen holds your hand up and yells, "She said yes!" "You said yes," Calum says, grinning at you broadly. "Shouldn't you say something to your fans?" You suggest, trying not to laugh at Calum's goofy smile. "They already know," he replies with a shrug. You look at him, unsure, and he pulls you closer to him. "Let them sweat it out a little bit," he adds, "Right now I wanna spend time with my beautiful fiance." The word 'fiance' gets you, and you give in easily. "I like the sound of that," you giggle. "What about Y/n Hood?" Calum asks, laying back down and pulling you against him. "Perfect," you mumble before his lips connect with yours.

Ashton: "Y/n," Ashton says, catching your attention. "Say hi to Keek," he says, gesturing toward his recording iPhone. "Hi!" You say, waving happily. "Ooh!" He says, grabbing your waving hand and pulling it toward him. "Can we show everyone what I got you?" He asks eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement. "You want to?" You ask, nervous about how the fans will take it. He nods immediately and you smile up at him, nodding as well. He takes your hand and pulls it toward the camera, showing off the ring. You giggle as he kisses your hand before putting the camera on your faces again. "We're engaged!" You shout as Ashton smiles down at you. "And in love," Ashton adds with a light giggle. "Of course," you affirm, pecking his lips. "And running out of time! Say bye to Keek!" He turns the camera fully onto you and you laugh, waving goodbye before the video stops. "I love you," Ashton sighs in contentment, pulling you toward him and kissing your nose. "I love you more," you argue, standing on tip toe to kiss his own nose. "It's a tie," Ashton accepts before connecting his lips with yours.

Michael: You walk through the mall hand in hand with Michael, his fingers subconsciously running over the diamond ring on your finger. You look down at your hands and giggle, smiling up at Michael. "I like seeing that on you," Michael laughs, trying to fight the goofy smile spreading across his face. "Me too," you agree, looking back at the ring, "It's perfect." "I know," Michael replies with a proud smile, "That's why I bought it." You stand up on your toes, reaching up to kiss Michael when someone yells, "Michael!" You fall into his chest and look over to see a small group of girls hurrying toward you. They greet the two of you excitedly and start talking to Michael while you wait patiently beside him. "Wait," one of the girls says suddenly, her eyes falling to the ring on your finger. "Is that -?" Another girl begins, looking to Michael for answers. You look up at Michael as well. The two of you hand't discussed how to tell the fans. "Oh," Michael says, looking down at the ring himself. He looks to you questioningly and you nod for him to tell them. "We're engaged," Michael says simply, although you can detect a hint of pride in his voice that makes you smile. "Congratulations!" A girl squeals. "Show them the ring I picked out!" Michael suggests, pushing your hand out for the fans to admire, although he never entirely lets go of your hand.

Luke: You sit on your bed, absentmindedly rubbing your engagement ring as you watch 5 Seconds of Summer's twitcam. "We're working really hard to get this album out soon," Ashton says, "but we've been really busy! What have we been up to, boys?" "Touring!" Calum says. "Yes, touring," Ashton agrees with a nod, "What else? It seems like we're always doing something." "Calum's been learning to do a back flip," Luke chimes in. "Michael beat his new game in two days," Calum points out approvingly. "Luke's had all his wedding planning," Michael states with a gagging motion. He freezes when the other three look to him in shock. He curses under his breath and looks guiltily from one boy to the other. "I meant, uh, birthday planning!" He says quickly, "Luke and Y/n aren't engaged!" Michael looks to the others for help, but none of them speak. "Well, we have to go!" He states, quickly reaching to shut off the twitcam. "No, wait," Luke says, stopping Michael. "We were waiting until wedding plans were a little farther along," Luke explains, "But, yes, Y/n and I are engaged." Despite his annoyance with Michael, Luke couldn't fight the smile that formed on his lips. "You can shut it off now," he mutters to Michael, blushing deep red. "Sorry, Y/n!" Michael says into the camera, "Luke loves you, though!" With that the screen switches to offline. A second later your phone buzzes twice. The first text from Michael says simply, 'oops!' and the second, from Luke, saying, 'I love youuu :P'

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