He catches you being creepy over a baby

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He catches you being creepy over a baby

Ashton- You and Ashton were eating a late breakfast and at the table across from your was the cutest baby you've ever seen. One of your favorite things is to make faces at babies. You start by smiling at the baby, hoping Ashton wouldn't notice. When you smile the baby smiles back. You soon make it your goal to make the baby laugh. Ashton went to the bathroom so you had no distractions from reaching your goal. You stick your tongue out and makes silly faces. The baby continues to smile bigger and bigger at every new face, but still no laugh. "What are you doing?" Ashton asks laughing when he comes back to the table seeing you making weird faces. You were so focused on trying to get the baby to laugh that you didn't notice Ashton's return from the bathroom. "I'm trying to make that baby laugh." you say in between faces, "You're so weird." Ashton says turning around to see the baby. You glance over to see Ashton making funny faces at the baby too. You stop making faces and stare at him. "What I'm helping." he laughs when he noticed you staring at him. Finally you see the baby smile and a soft giggle leaves its mouth. "Yes!" You say high fiving Ashton. "We're so weird." You laugh.

Luke- You were with Luke rehearsals for the boys next tour. While you were enjoying watching the boys practice you noticed a woman holding a baby. You always had a soft spot for babies so you couldn't stop looking at it. You just wanted to run over to it and hold it in your arms. "Let's take a break." Michael says and the boys get some water. Luke walks over to the couch you're sitting on and sits next to you. "Look at how cute that baby is." you say pointing to the baby that was now crawling around. "Hello to you too." he laughs look at the baby, "Yah it's pretty cute, but you're cuter." he smiles leaning in for a kiss. "Do you it would be weird if I went over and held it?" You say too distracted by the baby to even notice Luke's attempted kiss. "Yes that'd be weird." "Why, babies are held all the time." Moving your eyes from the baby to Luke. "You don't know who the mother is for starters." "True", you say agreeing with Luke. "I just want to hold it and cuddle with it." you say giving a puppy face towards the baby. "You sound so creepy right now." Luke laughs wrapping a arm around you. While you're still looking at the baby a woman walks over and picks it up kissing it on the cheek. "Theres the mother! I'm going to hold that baby." Before Luke can stop you you're out of your seat marching towards the mother. "(y/n) don't do this." Luke calls after you. You find out the mother is the wife of a 5sos crew member and lets you hold the baby for the rest of rehearsal making you very happy.
Michael- You and Michael are walking around the mall on his day off and while walking you see a baby. "Look at that baby," you tug on Michael's shirt sleeve and point to the baby. "Its so cute, I just want to squish it's cheeks" You reach your hands out pretending to squish the baby's cheeks. "Why are you obsessing over that baby, you're being creepy. It's not even that cute." Michael he says and you immediately stop in your tracks. "Michael, you can't tell me that baby isn't adorable." You point to the baby whose mother stopped at a bench so she could make a phone call. "Look at it's chubby cheeks and tiny nose. It's little balled up hands and it's cute baby clothes." You say trying to show Michael how cute the baby was. "I mean a baby is a baby." he shrugs. You grab Michael's hand and pull him towards the baby and the mother. "(Y/n), what are you doing?" He whispers as your standing in front of the mother. "Can I help you?" The mother asks ending her call. "Sorry to bother you, but my boyfriend here can't accept how adorable babies are so I was wondering if we can look at your baby." You say looking at Michael who had a look of shock and embarrassment on his face from your words. "Sure." The Mom says skeptically pulling the blanket from the baby. "What's his name?" you ask your eyes moving from the baby boy to Michael. "Michael." The Mom says. "Aw Michael, you guys are name buddies." You say squeezing Michael's arm. Michael didn't respond he just stared at the baby in awe. "Thank you again your baby is so cute." You tell the Mom and you walk away with Michael. "I guess that baby was pretty adorable." Michael says looking back at the baby one more time. "Thank you!" you throw your hands in the air.

Calum- You and Calum have been married for around 2 years and you wanted to extend your family. You just couldn't find the right way to ask Calum for a baby. You find yourself thinking about babies a lot and you often stare at babies without even knowing it. You were at the grocery store getting food with Calum for your house. While Calum went off to grab something from a different aisle you saw the most adorable baby laying in it's carrier in a cart. It was so tiny and fragile you just wanted to hold it and never let anything hurt it. Your mind goes elsewhere while thinking of having your own baby. You day dreamed of carrying around a tiny Calum in your arms while at the store and how Calum is going to be such a great dad. "Why are you creeping on that baby?" Calum asks breaking you from your day dream. "What?" you ask totally oblivious to what he said. "I came back and you're just stareing down that baby." he points to the baby that is being pushed away in the cart by it's father. "I was just-", you pause hoping to get the words out, "never mind". "Is it because you want a baby?" Calum asks and your head immediately snaps to his face. "What did you- how did you-" you fumble your words. "(Y/n), don't think I haven't noticed you sighing every time a baby commercial comes on tv or how you intensely stare a any baby when you see one" he laughs. "I just was afraid you'd say no and then-" Calum grabs both of your hands in his and stares you right in the eyes,"Yes". "What does-", Calum interrupts you by cupping your face with his hands. "Yes I want a baby." he smiles and your eyes light up. "Let's do it." your smile grows bigger and tears prick your eyes. "We can't do it right now, we're in public you sicko." Calum laughs. "You know what i meant." you laugh playfully hitting his chest.

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