try hard his pov

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try hard his pov

Ashton: "She’s seen my face around but she doesn’t even know my name"

“Come on, have some balls, Ash,” Michael says to me, patting my shoulder. We were currently in Starbucks, watching her as she innocently sipped her coffee while she texted with her free hand. I’ve liked her for a while now, but I don’t really have the guts to ask her out. She doesn’t even know my name, but she’s seen me once or twice around the town. “I don’t know.” I say, unsure of whether or not I should approach her. Mikey rolled his eyes at me, saying, “If you won’t, then I will,” I found myself walking over to her a minute later, with a snickering Michael behind me. I cleared my throat, stopping in front of her table. She looked up at me with those beautiful orbs, “Hi,” she says, with a smile. “So, yeah, my name’s Ashton-” “So you’re Ashton! I’ve been wondering what your name was cause I’ve been seeing you around a lot, and I thought you were cute. So, care to join me for some coffee?”

Michael: "I play guitar but she’s into drummers"

I didn’t know what this girl had that the other didn’t, but everytime I see her, I just want to pick her up and twirl her around in my arms. She was special. She had this rebellious side, but she was also pretty innocent in her own way. I overheard her talking with her friend the other day, saying that she really liked the drummer of my band. Well, that was rather disappointing. “Cheer up, mate,” Ashton says, patting my back. I sighed, burying my head in my hands. “Oh, cutie patootie coming in at three o’clock,” he suddenly says. I groaned, “Ashton, seriously, stop-” “Michael?” I was cut off by an angelic, soft-sounding voice, which I know all too well. I looked up at her, and her face was as red as a tomato, “Um, hey. So, I think you guys were amazing in your last concert. And I think you’re pretty hot, so want to go out with me?” I turned to look at Ashton, who nodded and mouthed, “Get some,” before pushing me towards her.

Calum: "I pierced my lips so she thinks I’m cool"

She never noticed me, she never bothered looking my way. I heard she was into bad boys, so I pierced my lip, thinking she would finally see me in a different light. She walked past me, but she stopped, then looked at me. “Calum, wow, you got a lip piercing,” she says, looking at your newly pierced lip. “You like it?” I asked, hoping she would say yes. She nodded, and giggled, “I think you look so cool. Call me sometime?” she wrote her number on my palm, winked and walked off.

Luke: "But now who knew, she’s in the crowd of my show"

The spotlight blinded me, but I still kept on playing. I glanced down at the audience, and there she was. She was standing in the front row, smiling up at me. She was only just a dream back then, but now I really couldn’t believe she came here, to see me perform. I smiled at her, and winked, and she looked down shyly. I couldn’t stop staring at her throughout the entire performance, none of us could break eye contact. Finally, our set ended and Calum thanked the audience. I shot her a smile, which she returned, before heading backstage with the rest of the band, wishing I could finally meet her.

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