He gets sick

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He Gets Sick

Michael: you walked down stairs and saw your boyfriend michael asleep on the couch. you walked over and woke him up by shaking him lightly. "good morning" you said "morning" he said "why did you sleep on the couch" you asked. "i didn't want to get you sick" he said and you smiled. "i'll call the boys and tell thme you can't make it to the studio today" you paused. "i'll call in sick to" "babe, you need to got to work" he said. "yeah, i know but you need someone to take care of you." you said adn kissed him on the cheak. "i love you" "i love you to michael" "will you go make me some soup please" he asked and you went into the kitchen to make soup for your sick boyfriend.

Calum: you woke up cold. when you looked over at your boyfriend you noticed he stole the blanket from your side and was wrapped inside it. "babe, will you give me some of the blanket please" "no" he replied half asleep half awake. "why not" "cause i'm cold." "well then cuddle with me" you said and he smiled and pulled the cover up so you could climb in next to him. "how are you cold its hot under here" you said "i think i'm sick" he says."well let me go so i can get you some food" you said and tried to get up but, calum wouldn't let go "no, all i need is cuddles from you." he says and you laugh slightly. "i love you" "love you to Y/N". you both end up spending your day cuddling and sleeping.

Ashton: you woke up to your boyfriend shaking you. "babe, stop" you siad and turned over on your side. he pulls you into his chest. "babe, will you make me some soup." he asked queitly. "why" "because i don't feel good." he said. you nod and get up and walk down stairs to the kitchen. "what kind of soup do you want." you say as he walks inside the kitchen behind you. "chicken" he says you start making his food "so when do you go to work" he asked "i'm not" "why""you need someone to take care of you" you said and gave him his soup.

Luke: you wake up to your alarm. you get up to get dressed but, as soon as you get up your boyfriend pulls you back down and kisses you. "babe, i gotta get up" "why""i have school" you say and he sighs and lets you go. "just know i'm sick, and i just wanted my wounderful girlfriend to stay home and take care of me and cuddle. but i guess she wants to got to school more than hang out and cuddle with me" he said and you gave in. you grabbed a movie and climbed in bed next to him. he opened his arms for you and pulled you close to him. "i love you" "i love you to luke" you said and he kissed you.

Side Note: here you go sorry if it sucks and sorry i haven't posted many preferences this week.

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