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Dipper Pines POV

It took only five seconds too mess everything up, I was sure I was goner as soon as my whole body flung off my bike and skidded across the cement ground. And I came too terms with it.

I wasn't expecting too wake up in some random cell like room. A small television in the corner with stacks of DVDs too the side and a small twin bed I woke up on. I quickly sat up with my arms, feeling a jolt of pain run through the left one, seething in pain I quickly grab a hold of it, a white bandage wrapped around it.

I groaned as I got up, my body felt stiff and sore as I spotted a large metal door, limping over to it and I unlocked the padlock and pushed it open. I was greeted by a homely bunker, cement walls with a red carpet covering the floor. It was nicely decorated with a small kitchen and dining area.

A man sat at the table, a large puzzle before him. He had bright blonde hair with a rather muscular build, across his right eye was a black eye patch with a triangle in the middle. He wore a yellow cashmere sweater with a small bow tie and black skinny jeans.

I didn't know what to say, anxiety took a hold of my voice as I stared at the man who may of been a potential kidnapper. I cleared my throat, catching his attention.

He didn't look over. "I've seen you've written up," The man says, taking a puzzle pieces into his hands. "I tried to patch you up."

"Um.. Thank you, but I should probably be on my way.." I respond, being silenced by the other.

"It's not the best idea. It's not very safe right now." He said, fitting the piece with another.

"What? What you mean?" I ask curiously.

"I'll show you in a minute. My name is Bill."

"Dipper." I say as he pats the seat next to him.

"Come sit, you shouldn't be up in that kind of condition." Bill states, finally glancing over at me.

I nod my head, limping over to the wooden chair and sitting, sighing in relief once I got to relax my sore body. "So why can't we leave."

"Dooms day." He simply replies, making me laugh.

"Are you serious?" I ask as he looks over, not amused as he stands up. He threw me over his shoulder catching me off guard. "Hey! I just sat down."

"Hush, it's better then you walking kid." I sigh loudly, rolling my eyes.

"For your information I'm 19." I say, running a hand through my brown hair.

"Nice to know you're not underage," he mumbles under his breath. "I'm 29."

Bill was much more older than me yet he looked so good. I shook my head from that thought as he opens a door, walking upstairs. It got hotter and hotter each step, making me sweat fast.

As he gets to the top he puts me down to look out a big window through another metal door. As I stared out I gasped, everything was dead, all things that were once green and lush was wilting away slowly.

Empty cars where scattered across the road ahead slowly melting away. "What caused this?" I ask curiously, looking over at Bill.

He picked me up, walking back down the stairs. "I wish I could tell you, but no one has any idea what it is."

Soon anxiety hit me like a brick, my chest tightened. "What about my family?! They have to be safe."
"You don't know that kid. They might as well be dead for all we know." He said rather coldly.

I could feel tears build up as I thought about my poor sister Mable, my best friend I might never be able to see again. I held back a sob, trying my best to be strong for her.

"Hey it'll be fine, once the outside seems safe we can look around." Bill comforts, setting me back on the chair, sitting down next to me.

I tried to calm myself, taking a deep breath and wiping away my tears. "How much food do we have?" I ask.

"At least two years worth." He responds, resuming his puzzle.

"In that tiny fridge?" I ask, making him roll his eye.

"There is another room." Bill seemed annoyed, knowing that I should back off.

"Thank you for saving my life." I say as he gives a small nod in response. I look down, noticing I didn't have the same clothes on before. "Did you change me while I was out cold?" I ask.

"Mhm, everything was blood soaked, I went too go wash it." He explains as I blush deeply, it was just a simple pair of sweat pants and a white shirt that was way too big for me.

"Um, thank you." I say again, deciding to not ask anymore questions.

"Mhm." He replies, glancing over at me. "Do you want to help?" He asks, I nod my head and picked up a piece. How long was I going too be stuck with this man?

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