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I sat across from Bill at the table. He was studying what was going on again while I messed around with a paddle ball, not even being able too keep a five hit streak.

Every time I messed up the other snickered, making me roll my eyes. "Stop making fun of me!" I complain making Bill laugh.

"What are you gonna do about it kid?" He asked, not looking up at me as he focused on his notes.

I put down the paddle ball and sink into my seat. "I hate you."

"No you don't."

"I do." I argue, trying to keep a straight face as he looked up at me with an almost horrified expression.

"You're not serious right?" I laughed as he said this.

"No I'm not." I assure, making him sigh in relief, looking back down at the papers.

"You better not hate me." He says almost like a threat, giving me a smirk before changing the subject. "So I was thinking about going up and looking outside."

I sit up, surprised. "Like outside outside?"

He shakes his head, "God no, I just wanna see if any of the grass has grown back. Take my camera up there snap a few shots."

"When do you wanna go?" I ask.

"Right now!" He responded as he stood up abruptly, giving me a sheepish smile as he walked over too a wooden shelf, taking a blue Polaroid camera into his hands. "Let's go Dippy."

I roll my eyes at the nickname and stood up. I followed behind, walking up stairs with him till we got too the door, staring at the outside. "The grass is growing a little!" I point out, feeling a little bit of hope.

"Indeed it is." Bill says, taking a picture. "There's a dead decaying dog over there though." He pointed out, taking a snap of that as well.

I looked over and raised a brow. "That's a dead dog alright. What could've cause it?"

"Well it's either the air or that monster thing." He tells me, looking around more. "But I mean, I don't even know if the air is safe or not."

"So there's a chance if we go outside we'll be fine?" I ask, he nodded in response. "I don't think I want to go anyway."

"What? You don't wanna adventure out there?" Bill asks, making me laugh.

"No!" I exclaim, "But if you go out there it has to be with me."

I noticed the light hue on Bill's face, making me smile. "Come on let's go back down." He says, turning around and smacking my ass before he made his way down stairs.

I felt my face flush, screaming internally. I followed behind closely, returning the favor right when we got too the bottom. He jerked around, grabbing my wrist. "Don't do that." He said sternly, turning back and continuing to walk away.

"That's unfair!" I say, furrowing my brows.

"How?" He asks as he sets the two pictures on the table, keeping the camera in his hands.

"How come you get too slap my ass yet I don't?"

"Because I can do whatever I want." He states like it was something obvious, my eyes widen in surprise.

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief, he nodded his head. I felt weirdly angry at this, like I needed to snap even if it was just at this tiny thing. "You can't just do whatever the fuck you want, I should be able too."

"You're just a kid," Bill scoffed, making my anger build. "Plus this is my bunker."

"You're stupid." I say, seeing his frown sink into his face. "I'm an adult."

"You don't have a piece of hair on your body, you're a goddamn kid, and you just told me I'm stupid, that's what kids do." He protested, glaring at me.

"Are we seriously doing this?" I march up too him. "You're only ten years older then me!"

"Ten years is a big age gap kid, I know a lot more then you'll ever know."

When he said that I pushed him, "Really?! I'm not a fucking five year old, you seriously don't see any common sense in that?!"

Bill took a second to respond, his eye glazed with anger, grabbing a hold of my shoulders, pushing me hard against the wall. "You got some goddamn guts Dippy," I was to shocked to say anything back. "I fucking own you."

I gasped, my heart dropped as I could feel tears form into my eyes. "That's how you see me?" I ask in a quiet voice. "Am I just some object to you that you own." I look at the floor, feeling anger replaced with hurt.

"No, Dipper, I didn't mean tha-"

"What else could've you meant?! Is that why you picked me off the street when I was nearly dead, just too have someone to 'own', to control?!" I tried too wiggle out of his grasp but he was too strong. "God fucking dammit I thought I LIKED you!"

"Dipper please just let me explain-" I did not let him get one more word in, shouting at him loudly.

"No! You can't just say that Bill! That's so wrong in so many levels! It's even sick! Do you know how demoralizing that is, even I-" I was cut off just like I did too him, but instead of talking he smashed his lips too mine, making everything slowly fade away from the sudden contact.

He took both of my hands, pinning them above my head as he moved against my mouth, his whole body towering over me as he engulfed me with his tempting flames. The kiss was so heavy and messy, I couldn't get enough.

I closed my eyes tightly as our lips continued to smash together repeatedly, using each others air to breath. All the anger turned into pure passion, hungry, delicious passion. My heart pumped fast when he shoved his tongue in my mouth forcefully, completely exploiting my mouth as he sealed our lips together, not being able to pull away. I wrapped a leg around Bill as he roamed my mouth, making me crave him even more.

I gasped into the kiss, he made sure there was no space between us, pressing his body hard against mine.

He pulled away too attack my neck. I moaned out lewdly just from the light nibbles, making Bill chuckle. "Someone's sensitive."

I rolled my eyes, panting. "Shut u-up~" I breathed out as he continued to bite and suck on my neck making me squirm under his lips.

I breathed shallowly and rapidly, Bill released my hands to grab onto my hips hard, rubbing circles with his thumb onto my hipbone. I choked out a moan, my eyes widening. God, I really am sensitive...

I cried out once Bill started kissing a certain spot. I could feel the smirk against my skin as he began to focus on that one part, sucking and biting making me sob out moans, feeling myself become uncomfortably hard.

"F-fuck!" A throaty moan ripped out of my mouth as he pressed his thumbs harder against my hip bones, wiggling them slightly.

He pulls away from my neck, going to my ear, hot breath slowly covering it as he whispered. "I'm so sorry."

My heart sped up, a small smile forming on my lips. "It's okay. I did over react a little."

"So did I," His voice was still quiet, kissing the tip of my ear. He changed the subject quickly. "I see I've made you a little wet. Are you ready to get more mad at me?"

"What?" I questioned as he pulled himself away from me, pecking my lips.

"You gotta deal with that by yourself, I'm going to make dinner." He teased, walking away.

Are you serious?

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