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A/N: So this has some NSFW stuff in it. Even though it just involves Dipper doing the dirty and not Bill, still smut I guess. And it's only chapter five! ;o

I let the shower run over myself as I roamed my own body, it has been two days since I slept in the same bed as Bill and I couldn't keep myself away. His room was basically ours now.

When I got an erection for him I freaked, of course I still am, but not as much as I use too. I just can't stop thinking about him that way. Every time I try to shake the thought away but it never works out, I'd say I'm in denial.

But I've finally gave in completely, here I was in the shower not being able too hold the urge of beating off anymore. And it was a perfect time since Bill was dead asleep from staying up to late studying what's going on.

I thought about Bill and his body, how much I wanted those hands all over me, the thought about him made me weak in the knees. I was achingly hard as I wrapped a hand around my shaft, using my other hand to muffle myself as I begin too stroke.

With my mind I replaced my hands with Bill's, thinking about him coming from behind me and whispering what he'll do too me in my ear.

I shoved my fingers in my mouth, muffled moans fall out as I go faster closing my eyes tightly. I felt like I was about to fall from pleasure, I take my fingers out and use it too support my body against the wall.

I bit my lip, forcing myself to swallow the noises I wanted to make so bad. It was so fast till I felt myself needing to be released, the pleasure became overwhelming, not being able too hold back my moans.

"Bill!" I cried out as my seed shot out, being quickly washed away by the water. I panted heavily, blushing deeply as I collect my thoughts.

I finish taking a shower, putting on a red sweater with a pair of sweat pants. I walk out of the bathroom,  noticing Bill sitting on the couch, eating rice and honey.

My eyes widened, it takes a while too make that food, that means he must've been in this room while I was jerking it.

He was watching some animated movie as he ate, not noticing me at first.

"Hey." I say awkwardly, capturing his attention. He gave me a smile, waving.

"Good morning kid, I made some breakfast so go ahead and feast you're heart out!" He told me, I nod my head, walking over to get a plate and sitting down on the couch, keeping my distance since I just you know, beated off to him.


After dinner Bill found his music player and a bunch of CD's filled with all of his favorite songs. He really liked a singer named Melanie Martinez and he got me into it.

The blonde danced around the room, he was very happy too have some music in this place and I was too. I enjoyed watching him, he swayed his body so smoothly and hits the beat perfectly. He noticed me staring at him, making my face flush as he slowly walks towards me, stretching his hand out.

"Come and dance Dippy!" He says, I shake my head.

"I'm not very good-" Before I could say another word he pulls me up, putting his hands on my waist.

"Nonsense, just let me lead." He says, I look up at him and nod my head as I put my hands on his shoulders. He begins to move slowly, I go along, enjoying the sweet contact.

He was so much taller then me, if I looked up at him for too long my head would ache. We danced around the main room, of course I took the wrong steps sometimes and every time Bill teased me.

My heart felt like it was ready too explode, he pulled me even closer till our chest touched. I kept reminding myself to breath but it felt like I was suffocating from this feeling. I kept my eyes glued on his face as he stared back.

He was so gorgeous, so perfect, how can I be so lucky to be stuck with someone like this durning the apocalypse?

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