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Bill constantly teased me, ever since he found out about how sensitive I was. He laid on top of me, placing butterfly kisses up my neck making my body shudder slightly. I exhaled once I felt his hot tongue lick up my Adam's apple, grazing his teeth over my skin slightly.

"B-Bill." I whispered breathy, capturing his attention.

"Hmm?" He replied, pulling away from my neck to look up at me. I stare at his face lovingly, running a hand through his soft blond hair while examining his golden eye.

"Why do you wear an eye patch?" I ask curiously, making the other grin.

"I don't think you're ready too know that." He says as I cup his cheek, running my thumb against his high cheek bones.

"What do you mean I'm not ready?"

"You just aren't." He leans into the touch, giving me a small smile. "You haven't bothered to see when I'm sleeping?"

I shake my head. "I've thought about it.." I trail off, using my other hand too rub his jawline. "But I know it's your personal thing and all."

"Well thank you for not looking, I don't think you'd be able to handle it." My heart dropped when he said that.

"That's nerve racking," I say, making Bill chuckle. "Will you tell me eventually?"

He nodded his head, gently sliding his soft lips against mine. "Eventually." He says in a low tone, making my heart pound.

"You're so mysterious." I cooed, meeting with his lips again. "It's sexy."

Bill gave me a big smile, "Thanks kid, but I know something that's a little more 'sexier'."

I chuckle, "And what's that?"

"This." He bites at my neck, making my back arch and a loud gasp escape my throat. "You." He runs his hands up my sides making my head spin and heart race. "Your sounds." He bites down again, making me moan lightly. "How easily wet you get."

My face flushed red as I grab onto his shoulder tightly, continuing to bite down onto me, leaving red marks. "Bill, you can't just t-tease me like this."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't handle it." I gasp as he finds my sweet spot, he started tackling that sensitive piece of flesh.

"But I like it when you can't handle it." He sucked hard for a second, making me moan loudly. "Your body, it shakes with anticipation, it's so... Exciting."

I pant heavily as he slides one of his hands up my shirt, gently gliding over my skin. "Kid there really is not a hair on your body, huh?"

I blush deeply, nodding my head. "I don't know why, must be something to do with gene- AH! Fuck, Bill!" He rolled his hips hard against mine, making unbearable friction. "C-come on!"

"Is there a problem?" Bill asks, grinding again, I gasp grabbing at his shirt tightly, trembling under him. "You seem a little desperate."

"P-please!" I gasp out, throwing my head back.

"Please what? Do you want me too fuck you?" I was speechless when he said that, my lips parting. "I know you aren't ready yet Dippy. It's why I'm doing it, I'm just preparing you." Bill was right, I really am not ready. "And not to mention you're a virgin."

I gasp. "How did you-"

"How did I know? C'mon kid, it's obvious. Seriously watch this." He sat up, straddling my waist. He pulled my shirt up, placing a hand on my lower abdomen. I breath heavily, biting my bottom lip hard. His hand was so warm, so relaxing. He rubbed ever so gently, making me moan lightly. "You see? You're already hard after me just touching your tummy." I blushed deeply, bucking my hips as he began to squeeze.

He laughed, making me sit up, resting his forehead onto mine. "Not to mention we aren't even anything official yet." I remind him.

"Not yet." He gently brushed his lips across mine, my face flushed.

A/N: This is super short, but don't worry bout it! Some action is comin' your way <3

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