Twenty Five

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A/N: Some smut since the last chapter was sad and it's been like ten chapters since they did it lmao.

I woke up, it was still night yet Bill wasn't in the bed. I panicked slightly, quickly getting off the bed. I opened the door, gasping when I came face too face with him, almost running into each other.

"Jesus Dipper." He says, laughing.

"Jesus me?" I ask, poking his chest. "Where did you go?"

"Outside." Bill said simply, walking past me, flopping down on the bed.

"What why?" I ask, following behind him, laying down.

"It's a surprise."

I snorted, cuddling up too him. "What? That's dumb, tell me."

"Maybe in two days." He says, gently placing kisses on my head.

"Why two days and not today."

"Because that's when it's done, now will you please be quiet?" He requested, making me laugh.

"But this is the first time you've gone outside since forever, how would it be done so fast?"

"My god Dipper, you don't even know what it is, don't assume how long it'll take too build it. Plus I was working on it when you told me too leave and never come back, well I kinda followed that rule." He explained, moving closer too me. "Now let me sleep."

I groan. "Fine. Goodnight Bill."

"Goodnight my sapling." Bill dozed of, giving me a new nickname he's never called me before.


"Bill, please wake up." I beg, straddling him as he laid on the bed as he covered his eye with his hand.

"Mmm, blow me." Bill ordered, making me laugh.

"Hah, no, that'll just make you fall asleep." I say, running my hands up his chest.

"Ride me then, I have morning wood." He demanded, bucking his hips upward. I moan slightly, looking down at him.

"I can feel it." I teased as he uncovers his eye, gazing up at me. "You've been like a cat in heat the past few days, what's up with that?"

"Because I am in heat!" He whimpered. "I mean, not really, but it's been so long since we did it. And god you must be so tight from not being stretched." Bill shoved his hands down my boxers, squeezing my ass hard.

"A-ah! Bill!" I cried out as took he a hold of my hips, forcing me down on his clothed member.

"I need it Dipper." Bill begged, grinding against me. "Please."

"F-fine!" I moaned out, tightly gripping on his shirt.

"Good boy." He says, pulling down my boxers my member springing out. Bill wrapped his hand around the base, slowly pumping it.

"Nnng B-Bill." I strained, bucking my hips from the touch.

Bill sat up, staring down at me. "You are going too call me master." My face flushed, nodding my head. "And you're going too ride me. Pull down my boxers."

"Y-yes master." I stuttered, lifting myself up too expose his large member. I stared down at it, it looked bigger then last time.

"Sit down onto it my little sapling." He cooed, reaching his hand too pet my hair.

"Without preparation?" I questioned, this was going so fast. I winced once I felt a sting on my arse from his hand I gasped, jumping slightly.

"You speak when I tell you too." He said in a low voice, making my whole body shiver. "Did you like that?" I bit my lip, nodding my head. "I want too hear you." He growls.

"Y-yes master.." I say, looking down with embarrassment.

"Good boy." Bill soothed, striking my bottom again, making me moan out. He chuckled, placing kisses on my neck. "You're such a dirty boy, now sit down."

His other hand pushed me down till his member was at my entrance, making my whole body tremble, hesitating slightly. "Come on sapling, sit." He ordered me like I was a dog.

He pushed into me as I went lower, whimpering from the sting. "A-ah!" I cried out as he bucks his hips upward, forcing half of his length inside of me. "T-that hurt!"

"You speak when I tell you too." He says, his gaze was piercing as I nodded my head, tears building up, he pushed me down more as raspy breaths fell out of my mouth. "It'll get better, I promise."

I cried out in pain, sitting down till I couldn't anymore. I let out a sob, throwing my head back. "You're doing so good." He cooed, making me relax.

Bill slowly pulled out, thrusting back in and hitting my prostate. I cried out of pleasure in this time, my whole body shuttering. He chuckles as he picks up the pace, hitting the spot every single time. My loud moans could've been mistaken for screams yet I knew I wasn't at full volume yet.

"You're so gorgeous my sapling." He said, running his hands up and down my sides.

"M-master!" I wailed as he went faster, my mouth wide open not being able too close it.

"Oh god yes, say it again Dipper." He groaned out, his rhythm becoming random.

"Master!" I screamed out, repeating the words over and over against each thrust. "Y-yes~!"

Soon his whole body jerked, feeling liquid quickly filling me. "Oh my god." I pant, looking down at him. "That was f-fast."

He chuckled. "I'm not done yet."

Bill pulled out before thrusting in hard, making me scream out. I bounced up and down on him, my head becoming clustered with thoughts as he went at full capacity. It made me feel so sore, yet it was so good.

He wrapped his hand around my member, jerking me as his hits my bundle of nerves each time Bill plunged himself inside of me. "Master!" I cried out, my head falling on his shoulder as he squeezed my length. The pit of my stomach began too knot up, my noises becoming even louder then before.

"Don't cum yet." He said in a low voice, taking his hand off my member.

I nodded, trying my best too hold it. But god I needed relief, it began too hurt, new tears replacing the old ones, streaming down my face and onto my chest.

"Wait." Bill whispered in my ear, giving a few more thrusts.

"Release." He commanded. I did as he told, my whole body shaking as I let myself go, cumming all over Bill's shirt.

He stopped as I went limp against him, panting heavily.

"Good boy." He cooed, hugging me tightly. "You did so good." Bill reassured, running his hand through my hair. "Was I to hard?"

I shook my head. "N-no." I pant out, relaxing from the touch. "But now I wanna sleep."

"That's okay, you deserve it." He placed a kiss on my head as he slowly pulled out. We were both a total mess yet I didn't care, I couldn't.   

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