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We sat down on the comfy bed as we played 'Trouble' and talked more about our past.

"My mom was very caring and sweet but my dad was ruthless, a hard shell who worked for the government." Bill says as he moved one of his pieces five times. "Will, my little brother was lucky enough too live with my mom after they divorced, but I sadly was stuck with that monster."

"Did he ever hit you?" I ask curiously, rolling the die.

"Oh god no, if my mom found out he did any harm towards me he would be in jail for the rest of his life. She was not afraid to ruin him. But just because he couldn't physically abuse me, he did it mentally." He says as he watched me move my piece, "He isolated me from the real world, hired people to home school me, didn't let me go online and meet any friends. Then he started feeding me what the government was saying."

"The apocalypse?" He nods his head in response.

"Yup, he was on that topic for years upon years and everyone thought he was insane. Then he started convincing me, and I managed to get more evidence then him. And that's when my family started thinking I was crazy!" He sighed, "Everyone decided to give up on me like they gave up on my dad, besides Will of course."

"Put you were right this whole entire time!" I say, sitting up straight. "Everyone that didn't believe and didn't worry about this are probably dead by now! But look at you, you aren't! And I'm lucky enough to be hit by a car and being picked up by you. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you."

"I was actually coming back from the store when I found you," Bill began, "It was the day it all began too. I thought you were like 16 or something, I mean you don't even have a hair on your body kid."

I blushed, frowning. "I just look young for my age, I'm sure when I'm older I'll be the hairiest man in the world."

Bill laughs as he gets one of his pegs home, cheering. "Haha I'm winning Dippy! All because I have chest hair and you don't."

I stick my tongue, "That has nothing to do with the game Bill!"

"Of course it does, how else am I wining?"

"Because you're lucky!" I argue as he laughs.

"Because you have no chest hair." I roll my eyes and laid down on the bed, kicking the game slightly with my foot. "Hey, just because you are losing doesn't mean you can give up!"

"Well looks like I'm doing it." This made Bill laugh again, laying down next to me. We sat in silence for a little bit. I turned to look over at him, finally saying something. "My parents didn't really like me in the house." I say, getting the others attention. "Every summer they would send me and my sister away to see our great uncle's Stan and Ford. They were twins like us."

"You and Mable are twins?" He asked as I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I never told you that? We look almost exactly alike, the only difference is that she's a girl and I'm a boy. Also she's a little tiny bit taller then me." I began telling him everything about my sister, about my great uncles and even my best friends back home.

It was nice to talk about funny stories, and too share memories together. These talks mean a lot too me in a weird way, talking too Bill meant more to me though.


We sat across from each other, wrestling their thumbs. "Hey Dippy?" He asked me with that silly name.

"Yes Billy?" I say back teasingly making him chuckle.

"Are you crushing on me?" I rolled my eyes once the question fell out of his mouth.

"You're still on about that?" I ask, nearly capturing his thumb.

"Well I mean, it's been a month and three days, I thought that's enough time to develop feelings. You can tell me the truth Dipper, nothing will change." I felt a lump form in my throat.

Nothing will change?

If nothing will change then what was the point of telling him about how I felt?! I washed that thought away with the thoughts of my feelings towards. I mean, I've had feelings for Wendy, but this was so different, it was better in a weird way.

"What happens if I say I don't know?" I ask, making Bill smile.

"If you don't know, I don't know." I raised a brow, feeling very confused.

"Like you don't know how you feel towards me?" Bill nods his head in response. "But what if you do know how you feel."

"Oh I do, I'm just not telling you till you tell me. But we're still cuddling no matter what!" He snatched me up and pulled me close. He accidently tickled me making me snort. "Oh, what's this?" Bill asked as he poked my side.

"Bill don't," I warn as he began to laugh.

"That's adorable!" He began too poke and jab at my sides lightly, making me squirm.

"Bill please!" I laugh out, trying to get away. He quickly straddles me, tickling me harder till tears formed in my eyes.

After a few more seconds of shear torture he finally stopped, leaving me a panting mess.

Bill took a second, staring at my face. "Wow.." He says breathlessly?

"What?" I ask as I gaze up at him.

"Just seeing you like this.." He places a hand on my cheek and I instantly lean into it, melting into the touch. "Dipper, you're so gorgeous." Bill began to lean down, a light hue forming on his cheek. "May I kiss you?" He asks, our lips just an inch apart.

My face flushed red, I was speechless. All I could do was nod my head, closing the small gap between our lips. My stomach flipped as our mouths lightly blushed together, the small friction made my heart explode.

The small peck wasn't enough, I quickly sealed our lips together, it took Bill a second too respond but he soon began moving his lips against mine making my heart pound harder. I gripped onto his shirt tightly, I felt like I was in a hazy bliss as the feeling nostalgia came over me as I kissed him hard with passion.

I didn't want to pull away but Bill stopped, gazing into my eyes. He furrowed his brows. "Why are you crying?"

"What?" I ask, touching my wet cheek, making me chuckle. "I guess I just really liked that."

Bill laughed, giving me a memorizing smile. "That's good right?" I nod my head, roaming his back with my hands, taking a deep breath. "How did it make you feel?"

I took a second too respond. "Indescribable," I admit, making Bill smiling ear too ear. "Can we do it again?" I ask eagerly.

Bill smashed his lips against mine, we moved fast and tenderly making my heart start up again. He rubbed my sides slowly making me squirm slightly as I moan lightly into the kiss, grasping onto his shirt like my life depended on it. Bill gently bit my bottom lip, requesting for access. I let him in, and as soon as his tongue slid in we began to do some sort of dance.

I almost forgot to breath from being stuck in the moment. I didn't want this to stop, it was as if everything melted away and it was just him and I.

I needed to breath, gently pushing his chest to make him stop, as soon as he pulled away I instantly regretted it, wanting to pull him right back in. A string of saliva connect our bottom lips. I panted loudly still holding onto Bill's shirt.

"More." I requested after capturing my breathe, making Bill laugh.

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