Twenty Six

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is gonna be short :c I'm not feeling very well, forgive me.

The past few days Bill has been leaving the house more then often to work on something he won't tell me. It's a 'surprise' yet last time that surprise didn't go very well. Although I've come to term with Mabel being gone, she was just so miserable and she wouldn't be happy if she stayed with me. It sucks too be without her, but I will someday.

But this surprise is going too be something huge, when I tried to pressure him into telling me he barely budge, the only thing he has said is that he is almost done, he's been working on it for super long and I'll be really happy.

I sat on the couch, drawing random characters I made up in my mind. I heard the iron door open and footsteps coming down the stairs. I smiled as I watched him enter the main room, setting down the note pad and standing up, running over too him and jumping into his arms.

"You were gone for hours!" I complain, giving him a pout. "I missed you!"

He chuckled, pulling my hair back and placing a kiss on my forehead. "I missed you too, but I'm done." I looked up at him with excitement, untangling myself from him.

"Really? Do I get to see it?" Bill nodded his head, giving me a gas mask. I jumped happily, placing a small kiss on his lips before strapping the mask onto my head.

We walked back up the cement stairs and outside, Bill took a hold of my hand, leading me towards the old barn. He slides the door open revealing a large circle made out of metal and wires, connected too a panel with a platform.

"Ta-da!" He says, looking back at me.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This is our ticket out of here, a portal to another dimension!" Bill explained, a huge smile on his face. "A dimension where this thing never happened, back too how things use to be!"

I gasped, feeling tears build up in my eyes from happiness. "No way.."

"Yes way! We'll be able too live together and everything! We'll be happy!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug.

I enjoyed the warm embrace, smiling happily. "When will we go?"

"We need too pack, and in order to power it up I need to use my 'magical' eye so I'll need too figure that out." He explained, I looked up at him.

"Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me, I started this whole mess." He replied, running a hand through my hair.

"And you're the one who ends it." I cooed, stepping away and taking Bill's hand. "Let's go back and pack, yeah?"

Bill nodded his head, walking out of the barn and back to the bunker.

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