Twenty Two

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He slid his hand up my shirt, running his cold hand against my pale skin. I bite my lip as I look at his eyes, glazed with hunger and excitement.

"I haven't had you in so long." Bill whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"B-Bill we just woke up-" I moaned out as he grazed his fingers across my nipples, feeling the them harden instantly.

"Yes we did." He gently bites my ear as he rolls the red buds between his fingers making me cry out. "But you have too be quiet little one, we don't want your sister too hear our naughty time, do we?" He forces me up on top of him, making me straddle his lap too roll his hips upwards causing friction between our clothed members.

I close my eyes tightly, biting my lip once again too muffle myself as I move against him. He pulled my shirt over my head, throwing it on the floor. He quickly placed his hands on my waist, rubbing his thumb across my skin.

"When I'm done with you, you won't even be able to move." He says in a low growl, using his hands too make me bounce on top of his hard on.

"Bill~!" I moaned out lewdly, throwing my head back.

"Shh." Bill sits up, pressing his lips against mine as he slides his thumbs under the waist line of my sweatpants and boxers.

I whimper into the kiss, grabbing tightly onto his shirt as he thrust his hips against mine making my whole body erupt with pleasure. Our muffled moans we're mixed with something else. Bill heard it too as he pulled away. It was, crying.

"I think that's Mabel." I pant, looking up at him. He stared down at me for a few seconds before smiling.

"God you're so fucking cute when you're a drooling, sweating mess." He says, wiping the corner of my mouth with his thumb. I blush deeply, placing a small kiss on his lips.

"That's off topic Bill. I'm gonna go check on her." He whined, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"But it's been so long Dipper!" He cries out, laying back on the bed, taking me down with him.

I laugh as I struggle too leave his grasp. "Let me go check on her!" I demanded, looking up at him. "You nerd, she's crying. I gotta check up on her."

Bill rolls his eye, placing a kiss on my forehead before releasing me. "Don't make it worse for her Dipper."

I playfully slap his face before getting off the bed, blowing him a kiss before exiting the room. The cries got louder as I inched down the hallway, all the lights were out making it painfully dark.

"Mabel?" I call out in the dark, the crying stopped quickly making my heart drop. "Are you out here?" I ask, running my hands against the wall too find the light switch.

"Yes." She responded quietly, her voice hoarse.

"What's the matter?" I ask, finding the switch and flipping it on, casting light into the room.

"I hate it here Dipper..." Mabel sniffles, sitting on the couch, looking down at her hands with a horrified expression.

"What do you mean?" I ask, sitting down next to her.

"I wanna go back.."

"Go back home?" She shook her head in response, tears streaming down her face.

"No, I mean go back too the place I was, before Bill revived me." My eyes widen once she says this. "And.. You can come with me, you and Bill! It's so much better then here!" She looks over at me, suggesting the idea.

"What, Mabel no-"

"Yes Dipper! It's so much better then this hell. You'll love it there, you'll be happy!" She argues, sitting up.

"Just because it's hell here doesn't mean I should give up. And who knows, if I die what if we never see each other again?"

"Dipper, I saw Grunkle Stan and Ford, they were smiling!" I could feel the color drain out of my face, chills rundown my spine.

"I-I'll think about it." I say, making her sigh in relief.

"Thank god, I didn't want too leave with out you." Mabel walks over too me, placing a kiss on my head. "I think I need too go out and clear my mind. You can go back too your room."

"Are you sure? I don't wanna leave you alone in case you might.."

"Might kill myself?" She asks as I stand up. "Trust me, if I am, it will be with you." My heart stopped, not knowing what too say back.

I waved too her before turning around and going back too my room. Bill sat up once he saw my obviously horrified face. "Dipper?" He asked as I sat down next too him, laying my head on his shoulder.

"She wants us too kill ourselves. So we can be with her. Mabel hates it here, s-she's suffering.." My voice shook as tears build up.

"You don't want too, right?"

"I don't know, I mean, we could be together.. And my two great uncles are there as well. It doesn't sound like that bad of an i-idea." I choked on my words as Bill turns too look over at me.

"Dipper, I can't." Bill said, cupping my cheeks with his hands. "I told you, I'm a demon. I don't go where you go."

"W-what?" I stuttered, gazing into his eye.

"I don't know where I'll go, I don't even know if I can die! I don't know what too tell you."

"But you're human now!" I stated, grabbing onto his shirt. "Isn't it different now?"

"No, I'm in a human body. My energy inside of me is still 'dark' per say, where normal humans go isn't a heaven, but it's where their spirits are released. My kind gets released elsewhere if we manage too kill ourselves in some way." He explains, "The point is, I can't go with you. And I'd do anything for you too stay. But the choice is yours."

"I didn't say I was going too do it. I can't just leave you like this." I said, my voice breaking, "I could never."

He smiles slightly, planting a short kiss on my lips. "I wouldn't be able too as well."

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