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"Dipper wake up." My eyes snap open as I hear his voice, meeting his gaze as he hovered over me, giving me a gleeful smile. "Good morning gorgeous." He says, placing a kiss on my lips.

"Good morning handsome." I say, placing a hand on his chest and rubbing soft circles. "You seem happy."

" I am, because I have a surprise for you."

I gasp, clasping a hand over my mouth. "For me?" I say, teasing him. I earn a chuckle as he nodded his head.

"Yes for you, follow me." He says, getting off of me and taking my wrist, pulling me off the bed.

"Bill wait!" I say, slipping off the bed too my certain doom till I felt hands wrap around my waist, catching me from falling. "Jesus christ Bill." I say, sighing in relief.

"Sorry Dippy, just c'mon." He got me onto my feet and began to drag me out of the room and through the hallway. "He's up!" Bill says too an unknown visitor.

I curiously peaked over his shoulder, stopping in my tracks as I saw the girl who sat on the couch. She looked over at me, giving me a smile.

"Hey bro bro." She says, her voice slightly scratchy. I ran up too her as she stood up, letting me jump into her arms. She lifts me into the air, looking at my face. "Look at you, I can't believe you survived for so long. It's a shame you died."

"What?" I say, looking over at Bill getting a shrug in response. "Mabel, I'm not dead."

She laughed, putting me down. "Of course you are silly, how else would you be with lil ol me?"

"Wait, Bill are we dead?" I ask in panic.

"No no! I revived Mabel, she's alive now." He reassures, walking up next too me.

"There's no way." I say in disbelief as I look up at her.

"There is when you're a demon kid. This eye patch has uncontrollable power and I managed too use just a little bit too bring her back too life."

"Oooh, that explains why this place looks so cruddy." Mabel snorts, looking around with her hands on her hips.

"Wait, what was it like when you were dead?" I ask curiously.

"It was like heaven but there wasn't a God! There was no rules and we could do whatever we want!" She begins too rant what it was like, how she was able too spawn pancakes with her mind. It sounded so much better then this reality.

"That sounds amazing." I marvel, looking over at Bill. He grimaced once he made eye contact with me, knowing exactly what I was thinking. I reached up too rub small circles on his back, noticing how he relaxed, giving me a small smile.

"Wow, do you guys have something going on or what?" Mabel asked, very amused.

"Yup!" Bill says, wrapping an arm around me. "We're together. and Dipper told me so much about you. When we found your body he mourned for weeks on end."

"Bill it was more then weeks, I was still mourning till I saw her this morning." I say, shooting a glance up at him.

"Shh, the adults are talking Dipper." He says, running a hand through my hair.

"What? Mabel and I are the same age!"

"She's taller then you." He retorted, making me roll my eyes. "I bet she's more mature then you too." Bill teased, poking at my side.

"I hate you." I say, giving him a playful glare, feeling my lips twitch from keeping my self too smile.

"If you hated me I wouldn't be right now." Bill says, placing a kiss on my head. "Now, Mabel needs too eat and shower so lemme go make something too eat and you show her how the thing works."

"Yes sir." I say, giggling with Mabel before walking away with her, conversation erupting quickly as she talked more about where she was.

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