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I listened to Bill hum as he took a shower, he just got in and I took this chance to explore the rest of the bunker.

It was now officially the sixth day I've been here, while I wasn't knocked out of course. And Bill made some nice/annoying company, he likes to tease me and makes constant jokes.

But for all the days I've been here I never explored the whole entire bunker.

There was four other doors down the hallway where Bill's room was, and I never even seen his room yet. Today was the day where I was gonna snoop.

I went too the first one on the right, kind of worried what I would see. as soon as I opened it I was greeted by food, just a large room with shelves of food, it will really last us a long time. I decided to not to explore any farther and went too the door. As soon as I opened it I screamed mentally, face palming hard.

It was a small pot farm, a goddamn pot farm. Two rows of plants sat under bright lights, and I don't think I've ever seen something so hilarious.

I didn't pay attention to the water stopping, but I did notice the foot steps coming my way. "Ya'know you could've just asked what was behind these doors."

"Yeah, okay I know snooping is bad and all but seriously?" I ask, gesturing towards the room, making him chuckle.

"Well I mean, it's the end of the world Dippy, what do you expect? Might as well break some laws since nothing really is illegal anymore." Bill explains as he walks closer to me, looking around.

"First off, please don't call me Dippy, kid is better then Dippy. Second, you actually do this stuff?" I questioned, he nodded his head in response.

"Well Dippy is your second nickname now and of course, might as well die getting high." He says, making me chuckle. "I'll give you the rest of the tour, follow me!" Bill grabs a hold of my wrist as he lead to another door. "Here is where I'm studying what is happening to the world." He kicks down the door, the whole room filled with pages upon pages of theories and evidence.

"Enough of that!" Bill says, slamming it shut. "Now for the last door, besides my room, is the supplies room!" As soon as he opens it I gasp.

There was so much! First aid kits, guns, extra clothes and blankets even a small generator in the corner. But there was one thing that captured my interest, the piles of seeds.

"Are those your weed seeds?" I joke, nodding towards them, making Bill chuckle.

"No, soon we're gonna be growing veggies and all that good stuff after some of my weed plants die off." He says, making me roll my eyes.

"Seriously? Your drugs are more important then food?" I ask.

He nods his head triumphantly as he closed the door, walking up to his own room. I opened it myself and I was astonished, it was fully flushed out and it was so much better then my room. He had a double bed with a huge carpet across the floor. His whole room was filled with needless decorations and such, even a television. And all I had was that small bed and a T.V. with movies, the floors and walls were just cement.

"I'm so jealous. How come you get a better room?" I bickered, crossing my arms.

"Because I wasn't expecting to have another person living with me. But since you're complaining you're welcome to sleep with me." He suggests, making my face flush.

"I think I'm good." I say as I back away, making him laugh.

"It's better then sleeping in that crappy small bed. Don't be afraid to come in anytime." Bill encouraged the idea, and it sorta convinced me. He walked back to the main room. "Now let's play candy land and watch 10 Cloverfield Lane."

I smile as I follow him. "Sounds like a deal."


This was the fourth time I woke up, Bill was right, his bed must be ten times more comfortable then this one. I took a second to think about it, groaning as I made my decision.

I got up, walking out of my room, everything was so dark and it was terrifying. I bite my lip as I trudge through the main room, finally getting too the hallway. Every step creaked as I made my way to the end, standing in front of the door.

I manned up and opened the door, seeing Bill laying in his bed on top of his blankets, only wearing his boxers. I blush deeply, not knowing if I should wake him up or just crawl in.

"Hey kid, come too the join the party?" He asks suddenly, making my heart jump.

I swallowed as I stared at his toned chest that I could barely see. "Hop on in." He says as he opens his eye that wasn't covered, his yellow eye glowing in the dark. I walk over, laying down next too him, sinking into the mattress quickly.

This was way better then my bed.

Bill turned over towards me, giving me a toothy grin I could see in the darkness. "Like it?"

"Mhm." I say sleepily, ready to drift off. He chuckled, beginning to stroke my hair. It took me a moment to register what was happening and as much as I wanted to question him what he was doing I couldn't help but melt into the touch.

It was so comforting and relaxing, making me want to move even closer to him. His warmth radiated onto me, and god I loved it. I was so tired yet I wanted too stay like this, but sleep took over my mind and I was out cold.

It seemed like seconds before my eyes opened again, and I knew it was way longer then usual. Right as I tried too get up I noticed a arm securely wrapped around me as Bill spooned me tightly. I could feel the hue appear across my cheeks.

We were so close and it made my heart race, this was super confusing. It was like what Wendy gave me (my ex crush) but better in a weird way, but I didn't want to accept this.

Then I realized something. My ass was sitting on his bulge, and my god he was packing. This made my main race with bad thoughts and I didn't stop it. I let it go, and before I knew it I felt myself growing slowly. My face flushed red as I pealed Bill's arm off me, walking out of his room as I covered my mouth.

Did I just get a boner over Bill?

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