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It's the second day I did not get a lot of sleep. There were constant screams above me, I had no idea what was up there, or who, but it sounded like they were being ripped to shreds. Bill told me he didn't know what caused all of this but he knew it was not safe.

And it's pretty obvious it wasn't. I wonder if it ever will be, if this will blow over or not, but it sounds like there is something out there, like a monster. I'm just glad I wasn't here by myself, so I wouldn't go completely insane.

But this was my life now, and all I can do is accept it and try to push forward. I can't dwell on this subject, the only thing I want is too try and save my sister Mable. And I know I will.

I finally get out of the bed, heading out too the main room. Bill wasn't up yet. I looked down the hallway, there was more then just his door and god did I want to explore. As much as I wanted to snoop I knew I'd probably get in trouble.

I decided too sit down on the couch, noticing a yellow notepad and a pen on the coffee table. I take it into my hands and began to mindlessly draw, I was just going too do some random dude but I decided to draw Bill.

He was a strange character honestly, mysterious to say the least. Not to mention that weird eye patch, I don't know if he had a reason or he just wanted to seem edgy and cool.

But he was a pretty handsome dude to say the least, and that jawline, my god it could cut a baby. If I touched it my finger would slice right open. And he had the smoothest skin for being almost thirty, and those freckles that danced across his face was like millions of stars in the sky.

Not to mention those cornfield yellow eyes, it was so unnatural, he says it's just some weird genetic deformation but I'm not convinced.

"That's suppose to me?" As soon as I hear Bill's voice I jump, a small yelp falling out of my mouth, it was almost like a mini heart attack. I turned around to look over at him, a deep frown on my face.

"Why?" I ask, putting a hand over my chest. "You jerk!"

He laughs, giving me a twisted smile. "We're having honey and rice for breakfast."

"Honey and rice? Is that good?" I question, I've never heard of those things put together.

"It's alright, but we only got foods that don't expire, so I'm just working with what I got. I dunno, apocalypse food I guess." He says as he takes the notepad out of my hands, staring upon my picture. "This is super good kid, you draw?"

I blush deeply, scratching the back of my head. "Uhm yeah, sorry if it's weird that I drew you, you're just.. A really good muse."

Did I seriously just say that? Did those words really just fall out my mouth? Bill stood there for a second without any reaction, he slowly smiled, ruffling my hair. "I'm flattered kid, you're a good muse too. I'll draw you later." He says as he rips the paper of the notebook, turning around and walking to the fridge, hanging it up with a magnet.

I blush even deeper, a small smile appearing on my face. "You can start a movie if you'd like." Bill suggested, I nodded my head, walking over too the television in front of the couch, picking out good old 'The Shining', I love classics.

I hum as I turn on the TV, popping the DvD into the player and sitting back down on the couch, curling up with a pillow.

After Bill was finished making breakfast he sat down next too me, he made needless comments and multiple times I had to tell him to be quiet so many times, but too no avail he wouldn't stop. After the movie we decided too have some sort of doodle war, we drew a bunch of scenarios, his mostly involved chaos and destruction while mine was saving what mess he made.

We then went into discussion about my family, I mainly talked about my mystery twin as he talked about his younger brother Will. We spent the whole day getting to know each other and before we even knew it it was already the afternoon. At least I thought it was.

I read a book as Bill sat at the table, studying what could of caused this mess. But our peaceful time we interrupted by a loud scrapping noise coming from outside. I quickly close the book and stand up.

"What is that?" I ask curiously, listening for what it could be.

"I have no idea, but my theory is that it's animals mutating into something worse, but I could be wrong of course, it could be something far more dangerous." He explains as he stares at clusters of papers in front of him.

"Can it get in?"

He shakes his head. "God no, as long as we don't show our faces to it. I tried to get a glimpse of it but it smashed up the old look out. I didn't even get too see what it was."

"That's pretty terrifying." I say, sitting across from him.

"Indeed it is, but we'll be fine." Bill states as he begins to write down about the noises from above. "Moving on from this subject, let's play some Uno, I'm pretty good at it."

"You're on." I say, deciding to forget about the anxiety educing sound.

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