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"You ready to go explore and maybe die?" Bill jokes, putting his belt of weapons on.

"Hell yeah!" I say, swinging my back pack over my shoulder. "Let's go and adventure, get some fresh air."

He laughs, giving me my mask. "Just don't break this kid. It's very important."

"Yes sir!" I say, taking it from his hands and strapping it on.

After we were secure we finally went outside, it's been a a whole month till we went outside again. I thought I wouldn't be able to take it. We walked towards the car, opening the doors and sitting down.

"So where to first, a gas station?" Bill suggests. I look over and nod my head.

"Sure, maybe we'll find something good, I'm tired of eating the same exact meals every day."

"Hey!" He says, chuckling. "It's better than starving."

"Is it?" I ask, giving him a wide smile.

"Alright, I'll just remember not to feed you next time." I laugh at what he said, nudging him with my elbow.

"Good." I say as he pulls into the parking lot of the gas station, unbuckling his seat belt.

"Stay aware." He warns, glancing over at me before getting out and going towards the building. I followed close behind, taking a deep breath as I put my hand on the pistol in my pocket.

Bill slowly opens the door, making sure too check if the area was clear. He reached behind him to grab on to my hand. I blush slightly enjoying the contact as he leads me inside. "Alright. It looks safe so far. Don't leave my sight."

"Yes master." I say teasingly, earning a shaky breath from the other.

"Shut up Dippy."

I giggle as we began searching through the shelves, anything that wasn't expired I shoved in my bag. We spent the next thirty minutes stripping the station clean till there was nothing left that was good. I'd say it was a pretty successful trip.

We finally decided to head back, getting in the car and buckling our seat belts. As soon as the engine started the whole ground shook, vibrating the whole entire car. I gasp, grabbing onto Bill. "What the hell was that?" I ask, looking over at him in panic.

"I don't know, but let's not find out." He says, speeding off right when we got on the road.

I looked behind me, my eyes widen at what I saw. It was huge, taller then a sky scraper, it was to far to see anything specific beside it looking like a giant human. "Holy fuck! Go go go!" I scream, jumping out of my seat.

Bill pushed hard on the pedal, going as fast as the car could go. My heart sped like crazy, wishing I didn't even see it. "Oh my god oh my god." I repeat, grabbing onto my chest.

"Calm down Dipper, we are fine, it's not like it's following us." He says, placing a hand on my knee, rubbing gentle circles.

I took a deep breath, relaxing from the touch. I loved how he could just calm me down like this.

It only took three minutes till we got back too the shelter, Bill parked right near the door, quickly getting out with me and running to the large metal door, unlocking multiple pad locks with his keys.

He steps aside, pushing me in before closing it, locking everything back up. He turned towards me, sighing of relief. "Are you okay?" Bill asks, grabbing a hold of my waist and pulling me close.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad we're out of there." I say, placing a kiss on his chest.

"Good, now let's feast on some of our goodies." Bill says, making me laugh.

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