Twenty Three

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All three of us sat on the couch, it's been three days since the whole, "Let's kill ourselves and go to paradise" thing. We haven't discussed that topic since and I'm pretty happy about that.

"Bill, you told me about your family.." I said, looking up at him. "Was that all a lie?"

Bill shook his head. "Not completely-"

"So you did lie?" I press, shooting him a glare.

"Well I mean, It's true that my parents divorced and Will went with mom, we all are that 'mythical beings' you see in my drawings." He sighed, taking a second too continue his story. "My dad wanted too become human, and he convinced me too become one too. I started working towards becoming a human, with my insane dad who said nothing bad would happen if we did this.. But of course, it did. It caused huge giant monsters and un-breathable air." He stared at his hands, his eye held an emotion I couldn't recognize.

I reached up too run a hand through his soft blonde hair soothingly, scooting closer too him. He looked over at me, giving me a cheerful smile. "But at least I met you." My face flushed on see said that, his smile contagious.

"And what about your other eye?" I ask, staring at the patch.

"I've already told you, when you first saw Mabel again. You must have not of beeb paying attention. Of course being what I am, or a 'demon' I still have power which I've found out recently. And my other eye holds it, yet it seems too be uncontrollable, I managed too gather enough too raise her from.." He hesitated, finding the right words too say.

"Raised me from the dead." Mabel finished coldly, making my heart drop.

"Yes." Bill mumbled, a hint of guilt in his eye.

"So all that time you kept this secret from me?" I inquired, shooting him a glare.

"Dipper, if I told you my real story when we met, would you believe me?"

I roll my eyes, sighing loudly. "No."

"Exactly." He says, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Just be lucky I'm telling you now."

"Thank you Bill, for telling me you're edgy back story." I tease, making him snort.

"I'm never kissing you again." He says, scooting away from me.

"Noo!" I say, crawling over too him and sitting on his lap. "I'll die!"

"Good. One less mouth too fed." Bill said, making me laugh hard.

He poked my side, making me squirm. "Hey! That's a no no!" I put my hand over his mouth, pushing him away. We were interrupted by Mabel, who sighed and stood up. My heart sank, she probably feels left out.

"I'm going too head outside... See you guys later." With that she walked down the hallway too gather supplies.


It was one AM and Mabel hasn't returned. Bill and I sat on the couch since I refused too go to bed. Everything hurt as I laid my head on his lap, his gentle hand rubbing my shoulder.

"She'll be fine." He leans down too whisper in my ear, gently placing soft kisses on my cheek.

I take a deep breath, melting into the warmth he provided. "What if she's dead?"

"Maybe that would be best for her." Bill makes me look up at him, meeting my scared eyes. "Isn't that what she wanted?"

"But.. I won't be with her." I say faintly, gazing into his yellow eye.

"You will someday."

"Then I won't be with you." I trembled, being torn between two people.

"Well when that day comes, I'll be in your memories forever, hm?" I couldn't help but smile, lifting my head up too give him a small kiss.

Soon I couldn't help but fall asleep on his lap, finally giving in and relaxing.

A/N: Sorry it's so short. But here ya go c;

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