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A/N: YO CHAPTER TEN! I dunno how to feel about this chapter (They're all pre-made by the way) But I don't wanna change the story to much. Hope ya like it anyways!

"Bill!" I sat on the couch, the book I was reading sat on my chest. "Biiiill!" I call out again, looking up at the ceiling, waiting for a response. "Bill?" I sit up, my book slide down onto my lap, my eyes searched around the main room.

"Dipper! Look at what I found!" I heard him calling out, sighing in relief once I heard his excited voice. He ran out of the storage room, three gas masks held in his arms. "Do you know what this means?"

I quickly get on my knees, gasping. "We can go exploring?!"

Bill nods his head, and honestly, I felt pretty excited. "Can we maybe go out today?" I ask curiously making Bill chuckle.

"Have patience kid. The last time we talked about going outside you wanted nothing to do with that idea."

"Then when can we? And the only reason I want to go is too try and find Mabel! You know, the other person that means more to me than the world." I say, making Bill raise a brow.

"Whose the other person who is super duper important?" He asks, making me smile.

"Who do you think dummy?" I get off the couch letting the book fall too the floor as I walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking his lips.

Bill dropped the gas masks onto the floor to hold onto my hips. "Don't break them!" I laugh, looking down to make sure they're alright. "Those are important Bill."

"But you're more important Dippy." He gave me a small smile, making my face flush red. I nuzzle my face into his chest.

"You never answered my question."

"Oh, sorry kid. I mean, if you really wanna set out today we can, but we gotta prepare." I placed gentle kisses on his chest as he talked.

"I'd really like too." I say, looking up at Bill.

He chuckled, giving me a loving smile. "You're so beautiful," He pushed my hair back, gasping. "Wait is that- It is!" Bill starts to laugh making me roll my eyes for the umpteenth today. "That's why you're called Dipper?"

I nod my head, making him laugh even harder. "Aha, that's great! I love that."

"Are you making fun of me?" I ask.

"No, no! God no Dippy!" He places gentle kisses on my birthmark, giving me a reassuring smile. "It's just really cute. Now, let's get ready!"


We spent a good hour preparing for the outside. I was so excited to try and find my sister, she had to be alive, Mabel is strong and smart. She'd be able to outlive anything! Even if she didn't seem like it.

I brought a heavy pack filled with flashlights, the extra mask, melee weapons, bullets and a pistol. All that good junk. Soon Bill finally stepped out, flushed out with all kinds of things.

He had a crap ton of weapons on a tool belt, hopefully enough to fend off anything we encounter, he even had rope in his bag, a few bottles of water, and extra clothes! I think we were ready to head out.

Bill had to help me strap on my mask, but as soon as that was done we went up stairs, standing in front of the big metal door.

"Are you ready?" Bill asks me, his voice slightly muffled from his mask. I nod my head, taking a hold of his hand. "Here we go!"

He begins to unlock the door with his free hand, I would've let go but anxiety took over with a hint of excitement. We were actually doing this.

As soon as the door opened I took in the real world, the world I haven't seen in two and a half months. I step out, squeezing tightly onto Bill's hand as I look around. The air was chilly, I was just thankful it wasn't snowing out yet. "So," Bill begins, catching my attention. "Shall we go on foot or take the car?"

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