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In one week it will be a whole month of living in this shelter and winter was coming.

The bunker became freezing, causing us to huddle together under a blanket as we watched Game of Thrones the Bill had burned onto a DvD a while back.

I leaned against his larger body as we exchanged each others warmth. I couldn't stop shivering but Bill seemed perfectly fine, and when I asked why all he said he was a 'body heater'.

He had his arm draped around me, one of his legs crossing over mine. Bill was rather touchy but I could understand, he told me about how he didn't get a lot of interaction with people since they thought he was insane about the whole dooms day thing.

Bill twirled my hair around his fingers, playing with it constantly. I decided not too say anything and enjoyed how I felt. My heart was thumping uncontrollably, as if it was ready to burst out of my chest.

I couldn't pay attention too the show when this certain man was making my head race and body ached and yearned.

He suddenly moved slightly too get more comfortable, his leg rubbing up hard against my private regions. I bit my lip hard, blushing deeply as I felt a uncomfortable tightness in my pants.

I screamed mentally, praying to god Bill didn't notice it, or at least not mention it.

"Kid, is that what I think it is?" He asks, making my face flush a bright red. Of course Bill would say something

"Shut up." I say, turning my head away from him as he laughs.

"No it's fine. It's kinda cute." Bill says, if my face could get any redder it would.

"Cute? A boner is cute?" I ask, trying to move away from him out of embarrassment.

"Don't run away." He joked, pulling me back into his arms. "I can't blame you, I'm pretty hot."

I groan, struggling against him. "My dick isn't a joke Bill."

"I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying I understand." I rolled my eyes as those words came out of my mouth. "Are you getting the hots for me?" He asks, making me really struggle to get away.

"Shut up Bill! I don't have the hots for you!" I practically yell as he keeps me in his arms, not letting me escape.

"Don't lie to me Dippy." He coes as I groan out.

"I don't! Let me go!" I bicker like a kid, making Bill laugh.

"There is no escape for you." He says as I try harder, I finally got free, ready to run away not thinking Bill would pounce me.

We both fall do the ground, I was flat on my stomach as he straddled me. "Oh my god give it up!"

"I'm just playing with you Dippy. Relax." He says, yet I still struggle. Wiggling my body constantly, not giving up.

Suddenly I hear a groan of pleasure come from the other, knowing that I wiggled against something I shouldn't of.

"Dipper." Bill says in a oddly husky voice.

I gulp, turning my head to look over at him. "Yes?" I ask, biting my lip.

"You have the hots for me."

"Just leg just rubbed against a place it shouldn't of! Of course I'm gonna get hard, so can we just change the subject?" I ask, just wanting to stop talking about it.

"Ugh fine!" Bill says in defeat. "You get a break, but don't think this is the last of this!"

I roll my eyes as he gets off me.


Bill had his arms wrapped around my torso as he snored softly, his head nuzzled into my neck. I couldn't stop thinking about earlier today, I don't know if I am developing actual feelings for him or I'm just being a horny 19 year old.

Either way I had no idea how too deal with it.

I just loved his hands on me, it lefts a burning sensation, it made me feel like there was pounds of bricks sitting on my chest but in the best way possible.

This all started when we began sleeping in the same bed together, not to mention the fact that he only slept in boxers and nothing else.

I turned too face towards him, our chests touched as I stared up at him. He was just so gorgeous and memorizing, I could feel air leave my body as I gaze upon his beauty. I slowly reached up and began to run my fingers through his blond soft hair.

It was so nice to the touch, so relaxing. I could be here forever and not move an inch. I got so lost in thoughts about him I didn't realize Bill's yellow glowing eye staring back, I gasp loudly jumping out my skin.

He laughs, giving me a toothy smile. "You have the hots for me."

I groaned, burring my face in his chest. "Please shut up and go to sleep."

A/N: I feel super bad that the chapters are so short like this, but with my ADHD it's easier to stay on task, I mean this is the third chapter I'm publishing today so at least that's happening. Shorter chapters mean more chapters! Yay?

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