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WARNING DUDE; YO DRUGS IN THIS MAN, I MEAN WHAT DO YOU EXPECT IF BILL HAS A FUCKING WEED FARM? (dont do drugs u skrubs, ill personally stab you all)

ALSO A LIL KINKY LMAO im going to hell.

I roamed the large shelf of books, I've already read so many yet I wasn't even half way done with them. My eyes caught onto a certain title, a bunch of letters and symbols were randomly scrambled together, with a red velvet cover.

I took it into my hands, staring at it with curiosity. "Hmm." I hummed out, looking at the front. It was a yellow triangle with one eye, it felt like it was staring right at me, it was so piercing.

I opened the book gingerly, the first page was just like the title, just a bunch of weird symbols all mixed together. I continued too flip through, every single page the same way, it was so weird. Soon the pages turned into strange drawings. It was the triangle thing again, and god it was so creepy.

The next page took me by surprise. It was Bill! I gasped, running a finger on the page, tracing the drawing. Was this his? I turned again, then there was me, in full detail. I could feel the color slowly draining out of my face, shivering slightly. There was an arrow pointing towards me, six symbols. That had to be my name.

"Dippy!" I jump once I hear him call out for me, I quickly close the book, shoving it back in the book case. "There you are!" Bill says, walking into the main room, a big smile on his face. He slumps behind me, wrapping his arms around my torso, nuzzling his face into my neck.

My heart skipped a beat, it was like his touch gave me a burning sensation. "Are you feeling better?" He asked in a loving tone.

I smile, earlier I was having an episode about Mabel, it feels like I'll never get over her. I turned my head too kiss his soft blonde hair, placing my hand over his. "Yes, I am."

He hummed with delight. "Good~" He coaxed, planting soft butterfly kisses on my neck, making my face flush. I leaned back into his warm inviting body, taking a deep breath. "Hey, I had any idea tonight. Let's just sit back, relax, drink a little and have a good night."

"Drink?" I ask, chuckling.

"Yeah! You're 19, hell maybe a little-"

"No pot Bill." I interrupt, making him laugh.

"Fine then, more for me." I roll my eyes, reaching up to play with his golden locks, letting out a sigh of content. "And maybe next week we can go out and scavenge for, I dunno, supplies?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." I agree, sitting up. "So, let's get out the alcohol!" I encourage, cheering afterwards.

"Woo! Atta boy!" He stands on his feet, reaching his hand out to help me up.

Instead of letting me get up to my feet, Bill picks me bridal style. "Hey!" I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Don't drop me!"

"I'll never drop you my darlin!" He teases placing kisses all over my face as he walked forward, dropping me onto the couch. "I take that back. Now wait here!"

He leaves the room in a hurry, a laugh escaping my lips. I looked back at the book shelf, my eyes spotting that one book. It felt like it was suppose to be a secret, maybe when Bill was in bed I'd look at it a little more.

He came back in, a bottle of some sort of wine in his arms with two glasses, Bill placed them on the table, giving me a wide smile.

He opened the bottle, pouring the liquid into both of the glasses. "Not done yet!" He leaves again, I knew what he was going to get.

I took the glass into my hands, taking a small sip made my face crunch up. I barely ever drink, when I do it means I need it. And I sorta did.

Bill ran back in, setting down a bowl and a handful of that green drug onto the coffee table. "Let's party hard Dippy!" He throws himself beside me, making me snort. He grabbed his drink off the table, taking a large gulp. (note: this is super weird for me too write them doing drugs, I'm sorry?)

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