Twenty Four

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I woke up, meeting Bill's gaze once my eyes opened, still on the  couch from last night.

"Is she here?" I asked, rubbing an eye.

He sighed, shaking his head. I could feel the color slowly drain from my face, my heart racing. "Shit." I whisper, not tearing my eyes away from him.

"Do you want to go look?" He asked, running a hand through my hair.

I closed my eyes, shaking my head as I inhaled. "No. She'll come back if she wants too."

"Okay." Bill said quietly, twirling my hair around his finger.


"Yes?" Our voices so faint as we communicated.

"I love you." He stopped petting my hair once he heard my words, causing me too open one of my eyes. It's been so long since I've said that and it made my heart flutter.

I sit up, turning too look at him. His face was filled with so many emotions, I couldn't tell what he was feeling yet the way his eyes looked into mine was intoxicating.

"Fuck, Dipper." He breaths, wrapping his hands around my torso, pulling me onto his lap. "I love you so much." He nuzzles his head into my hair. "I've never felt this feeling before. This heavy feeling I get in my chest when ever I'm in contact with you. I'm addicted too it. It's so, suffocating when you're not around. But when I have you in my arms, it's like you're my oxygen."

I blushed deeply, looking up at him. I took a hold of his hand, running my fingers over his. "Bill. I'd do anything for you. No matter how insane you are, I wouldn't be able too stop myself from wanting to be with you."

He smiles, slowly leaning in. I met have way, my whole body shivered once his lips moved against me, lacing his fingers between mine.

I tightly squeeze his hand as I deepen the kiss, the whole world spun. It was like I was getting high off some unknown drug.

I heard the door from the bunker slowly slide open. I pulled away quickly as the footsteps slowly made its way downstairs. "Mabel?" I called out, a low growl came in response. My eyes widen as I look up at Bill.

"Get in the storage room." He whispers in my ear. I nod my head, getting up quickly and running into the room, hearing Bill following close behind.

Once we're in he closes the door, turning the padlock. "Fuck what is that?" I say in a low voice, taking a pistol from the shelf.

"I have no clue but hopefully it'll go away." He responded, taking a gun as well. "Come." Bill commands, taking my wrist and leading me to the back of the room, a small corner was hidden with boxes and one of the shelves.

He crammed himself in there, sitting down and patting his lap. I roll my eyes, forcing myself between the wall and cardboard boxes. I fall back onto him, making him chuckle.

I nudge him with my elbow. "Shh." I hissed, looking up at him.

"Sorry." He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

We soon heard the heavy footsteps creaking down the hallway.

"Dipper~!" It was Mabel, her voice sounded sickeningly sweet as she cooed out my name.

Before I could call out he clasped a hand over my mouth, shutting me up.

"We don't know if that's really her." He says in a low voice. I sighed in frustration, crossing my arms.

"Where are you bro bro?" She calls out in the same tone, I heard her slamming open doors in search for me. "Let's go somewhere nice~."

I gasped, looking up at Bill in fear. My whole body shook once I realized what she came back for, she wants to kill me.

Soon she came too the room we were in. The door knob rattled, making her burst out in laughter. "Silly Dipper, that just gives away where you are."

I jumped when the sounds of a gun being shot rang through the bunker. I whimper, curling up in Bill's lap.

The door slowly creaked open, yet it was silent. I couldn't hear her walking, it was if she just vanished. I sit up slightly, gazing into Bill's blank eye. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Ha found you-" She threw the boxes too the side a bloody knife in her hand as she raises it, obviously wanting too plunge it down towards me, yet she was cut off by a loud bang.

Someone was shot, and fuck I had no idea who it was. I looked down at myself, sighing in relief too see no holes that are bleeding. I then examined Bill, he was fine.

My heart stopped as I look over too my sister who was laying on the floor, clutching her stomach.

"No!" I cried out, crawling off of Bill too my sister who bled out on the floor. "Mabel!"

She looked up at me, her eyes clouded. "Dipper.." She calls out, giving me a small smile as she reaches up too touch my face. "I'm sorry.. Will I see you again?"

I bit my lip, leaning into her touch. I take a shaky breath, nodding my head. "Someday." I choked, placing a hand over hers. "Tell Ford and Stan I said hi.. And Mabel.. I love you." I let tears fall down my face as she smiled wider.

"I will." She said faintly, the life slowly draining out of her face. "Make sure you treat Bill right.. And he treats you right."

I chuckled, nodding my head again. "We will."

"I love you Dipnop." With those last words, she took her last breath, it was raspy and slow, her hand going limp and losing it's warmth.

I sobbed out, letting her hand fall too the ground.

Bill quickly came too my aid, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I fall back into him, panting heavily as I turned from the body, wanting too throw up.

"This is better for her." He cooed, his voice slightly breaking. "She's happy now."

But I'm not.

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