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Today Bill decided to leave the base without me. As much as I didn't want him to he soon convinced me with his soft lips. But this gave me some time to figure out more of that journal.

I spent at least forty minutes writing down sentences, filling up four pages. I finally decided too take a break, reading what I wrote down.

'If you do not know who I am, then I'm that yellow triangle with one eye and a cane."

What? A yellow triangle? He's a human! He must of been joking around. I skipped ahead a little to the page with the drawing of the triangle with one eye, reading the description of it.

'This is my true form, the form I hate. I've spent all my years trying too find a way to have a actual body.'

There was no way this was real, this is to crazy to be real. It must've been a story he was writing or something.

I read the next page, my heart stopping at the first few sentences.

'It seems that in order too have my new body I could possibly end the world. But I do not think it will happen, I mean I'm the most powerful being known to man. I know Satan for heaven sakes! I'm sure everything will be fine.'

I couldn't process it for a few seconds until it hit me and it hit hard. He started this, it was all his fault. I forced myself to read the rest of the page.

'It turns out I did cause the end of the world. Whoops!' Whoops?! I could feel anger reside inside of me. 'And now that I have a human body it seems that I no longer have my powers, I've now made a plan to get my old form back and ditch Earth. I can't believe I got myself stuck in here.'

I sat there in silence, staring blankly at the page. He's the reason Mabel is dead, he's the reason I'll never be able too resume my daily life. Soon my eyes started to sting, a lump forming in my throat. And after he gets back to his old form he'll leave, he'll leave me. Not to mention he completely lied to me, this was nothing like he told me.

Bill was a monster.

"I'm home!" I hear his voice bounce off the walls all the way to our bedroom. I didn't respond as I felt tears slide down my face, holding in a sob. "Dipper?" He called out, his voice almost sounded like he was in panic, but he had to be faking it. He doesn't care.

Bill ran into our room, stopping in his tracks once he found me. I heard him sigh in relief. "God you scared me kid, I thought you went out looking for m-"

"Cipher." I say in a low, shaky voice.


"Bill fucking Cipher!" I shouted out, turning around and throwing the book at him. "You lied to me, you killed my sister, you made me fall in love with you and you knew you were going tooleave."

He got the book off the floor, staring at the cover, he was obviously shocked.

"How could you do this?! Why didn't you just tell me?!" I cried out, feeling sobs trying to make it's way out yet I didn't let it. "You're not even fucking human!"I get off the bed, stomping up to him. "Why would you do this too me?" I pushed him till he hit the wall, not letting him get a word in. "The most important person in my world died, and it was all because of you!" I screamed, getting up in his face. "You fucking monster."

"Dipper, please. Listen to me."

"Listen to you?! Listen to the person who messed the whole word up?! Fuck you Bill." I spat at his one eye without the eye patch. He closed his eye for a few seconds before wiping off my saliva. Once his eye opened my heart stopped,  it was completely red with his pupils flushed white.

He pushed me hard making me fall down, my head hitting the end of the bed giving me a horrible headache. I looked up at him, fear taking over my body. "I-I.." I stuttered. "I hate you." He stared at me, his eyes going back too it's regular color.


"I hate you." I repeat, giving him a cold stare. "I fucking hate you and I'll never forgive you."

"No, Dipper. Don't say that." He says, his voice laced with worry.

"I hate you for killing my sister, for taking away my normal life, I hate you for everything you've done and I never want too see you again." My words were shaky as I began to let sobs rip out of my throat.

He stood there for a second before turning around and leaving the room. For some reason I felt guilty, I wanted to call out yet I didn't. I felt paralyzed as I watched him walk away, I should hate him shouldn't I?

I shouldn't love him anymore, right?

A/N: Does this count as a plot twist? I dunno, but I've been trying so hard too figure out where I wanted to put this part of the story. I honestly was thinking of waiting till like chapter 30 but I dunno if there even is gonna be that many chapters. Just have this. <3

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