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"We did everything together.. We weren't two people, we were one person. We did everything together, I even went on a date with her and her boyfriend!" I vented about Mabel as I laid my head on Bill's lap, he gently stroked my hair, soothing me. "I feel so empty, but I don't at the same time? Part of me is happy she might be in a better place, but the other part is sad that she's gone. She never even got to meet you!"

It's been three weeks since I saw Mabel, all those days were spent in mourning and cuddling with Bill. I've finally been able to function somewhat, I've went from moping on our bed to moping on Bill.

"Trust me Dipper, I'll meet her." Bill attempts to comfort.

"What? Are you killing yourself?" I ask, lifting my head.

"No! God no Dipper," He chuckled, kissing my forehead. "Just trust me, okay?"

I raise a brow, sitting up on my knees. "I'll try." I sigh, caressing his cheek, "But that's kind of hard for me."

"Hey! Don't say that!" He pulls me on top of him, giving me a large smile. "I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if you didn't trust me."

"Oh wow," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. "That would suck wouldn't it."

He presses his lips to mine for a brief second. "Yes it would."

I smile happily, I love how he could just snap me out of that state of depression. How everything melted away when I was with him. I think it was time to make a decision. "..Bill?"


"I think I know how I feel. And I think I'm in love with you." I heard him gasp once I said those words.

"Wow Dippy, that's a huge jump."

"I know it is, but.." I paused to gaze into his eyes, running a hand through his soft hair, finding the right words too say. "I'd do anything for you, you're my everything." 

His mouth curled into a huge smile, smashing his lips against mine hard and right away I responded, lacing my fingers into his hair and gently tugging. It was so intense yet messy but I loved it, it was exciting and adrenaline rushing. I moved my hands from his hair and down to his chest, forcing him down onto his back, straddling his hips as I lock lips with him, not pulling away for a second.

I got so lost, my mind becoming a blurry haze, exchanging my breath with his. He bit my lip hard, making me gasp and open my mouth, he used this to shove his tongue inside, exploring every part quickly.

Our tongues began overlapping, he placed his hands on my hips, squeezing hard as he moaned into the kiss making my heart race. I wiggled my hips, creating hot friction that made my mind turn into mush.

He pulled away, giving me a intense stare. "Don't test me kid." I moved my hips again, his eyes becoming clouded with lust within a second.

Bill pushed me back till I was on the couch and he was on top of me, his whole body covering mine as he did something I'd never expect. He began to dry hump me.

I gasped loudly each time he slammed back down, rubbing hard against my groin making a moan rip through my throat beginning to pant loudly. "You're moans are so delicious, I want too hear more."

He grinds hard, going down too my neck, capturing my skin in his teeth making my back arch as I closed my eyes tightly.

"Fuck Bill!" The heat built up till the point I couldn't even handle it. "Y-yes!" I moaned out, feeling tears pool up in my eyes from pleasure.

"Do you know how much it tortures me too not have you?" He growls in my ear, grinding faster. "But now that you made your choice I finally get what I've wanted."

Bill quickly slides down, zipping my fly down and unbuttoning the top, tugging my pants off harshly, leaving me in my boxers.

He stares at my growing tent with hunger, licking his upper lip. He rubs my inner thigh, making me twitch with excitement, he leaned down, placing opened mouthed kisses on my bulge. I gasp loudly, biting hard onto my bottom lip till I felt blood pool up in my mouth.

He began too suck on my clothed member making strings of cries leave my mouth. I looked down through half lidded eyes, meeting that golden blown out pupil that craved me.

A finger slowly sneaked its way under my boxer's waist band, slowly pulling down till I was fully exposed, my erection springing out and hitting the cold air. He stared at it, an almost wicked grin played on his lips.

He breathed gently on my member making me shiver with anticipation. Bill firmly held onto the base making me mewl out. I began too whimper once his tongue hit my head, licking down painfully slow. "Bill s-stop teasing!" I cry out, biting down onto my fist.

He chuckled, finally putting the tip inside his mouth, making me throw my head back panting loudly. My heart raced as I felt myself tremble hard with pleasure, bucking my hips up, forcing it into his mouth.

His hands grabbed my hips and pushed them down, giving me a daring look, making me blush hard. "S-sorry." I said through my fist, he gave me a small smile, starting too bob his head.

"S-shit!" I practically screamed out, feeling heat build up on my groin, unbearable pleasure spiked down my spine as I felt myself release into Bill's hot mouth. He swallowed it all.

He slowly pulled away, giving me a toothy grin. "Jesus kid that was fast."

"S-shut up!" I panted out, my face flushing. "That was the first time I ever felt something like that!"

Bill's smile widened. "You deserve a break Dippy, I'm gonna make some dinner."

A/N: Jesus I've now noticed how fucking sexual this fanficiton is, I mean I need to chill.

but I cant.


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