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I sat down on the couch, messing around with a rubix cube Bill gave me as he made dinner. It's been ten hours since I've been awake and I've already made myself at home. Bill was rather stubborn, it was obvious he didn't really have anyone to talk too. But once the blondie get's going he will not stop. But when I ask to many questions he tells me too be quiet.

Otherwise we're on good terms, and that makes me happy. I don't want to hate the person I'm stuck with during the apocalypse, I was lucky for him to find me, I would probably be dead if he didn't come to pick me up and save me. My body still ached but it's better then dying out there.

Bill told me I was out for three days, it's been three days since this 'dooms day' began and whenever I think about it everything hits me at once. I don't know if I'll ever see my family again, the only person I'm not too worried about was Mable.

I know Mable and she can withstand anything and everything. And whenever she is in trouble I can feel it. And so far nothing has happened, nothing that I could tell anyways.

As I was lost in my own thoughts I felt the couch cushion sink beside me. "Still haven't figured it out?" Bill asks as I shake my head, making him chuckle. "It's been at least a solid hour."

I roll my eyes. "You don't even have a clock."

"Yes I do, it's just in my room." He says as I gasp.

"How come you get a clock?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Because I own this bunker." Bill takes the rubix cube out of my hand, resuming what I started. "Do you want to bet when it's safe too go outside?"

I nod my head, chuckling. "Sure, I bet one penny."

"One penny?" He asks, looking over at me as I nod my head."I bet two."

"One upping me I see." I joke as I watch him attempt to solve the puzzle.

"Yes I am, but I think the air will be fine in two months."

"A year." I say boldly as he looks down at him, surprised.

"You're gonna owe me a penny kid." He says as he solved the cube making me gasp in surprise.

"Are you kidding me?!" I say in disbelief, snatching it from his hands to examine it. "You cheated."

"How could I cheat? You were watching me this whole entire time." He argued as I stick my tongue out at him. He grabbed my tongue between his fingers, not letting me suck it back in. "This is the tiniest tongue I've ever seen in my whole entire life." Bill acknowledged as he examined it.

I blush deeply, pulling myself away. "My tongue isn't tiny." I say, making the other laugh.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Bill says as he stands up to check on dinner. I roll my eyes, trying to make my smile disappear. I leaned back into the couch, staring at the puzzle in my hands. How come he can do it?

I set it too the side, sighing. "It's ready!" He calls out to me. I get up, walking over to the dining area and sitting down. He dished out some sort of meat in front of me.

I stare at it curiously, making Bill chuckle. "It's called pemmican, it never expires."

I nod my head, taking a small piece and popping it into my mouth. It was not bad. "Is this the only food we have?" I asked.

"No, we have dried beans, white rice, honey, powered milk, all that good stuff." He says as he begins to eat his own food, nodding his head in satisfaction.

We eat in silence, and I was the first to finish. There was still a lot left on Bills plate but he decided to save it for later. "You haven't taken a shower in three days." He states, nodding his head towards a room without a door. "I'll set clothes and a towel outside, but I'll probably be in bed. My room is right at the end of that hallway in case something goes wrong, okay?" I nod my head as I stand up.

I walked towards the small room, a shower with no curtain in the corner. I reach out and turn the knob till I found the right temperature. I stripped down, leaving the clothes on the floor and stepping under the warm water.

There was a small green soap bar sitting on the floor, I bend over and picked it up, rubbing it against my hands too cover my body. As I washed myself I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched making me feel self conscious. I kept glancing  behind me yet each time there was nothing there.

I sighed, trying my best to not look back, yet once I did I saw a flash of blonde, and I knew who it was. I didn't know if I should say anything or just let him look at my 'hot' bod.

After I felt clean enough I turned off the water, getting the towel and clothes from outside. After drying myself off I put on a pair of pj bottoms and a black t-shirt.

I was finally ready to go to bed and god did I feel tired and in pain, and taking off my bandages to shower did not help at all.

I walked too my room, flopping down on the small bed that was oddly comfortable. Before I knew it I slipped into sleep immediately, not even thinking about these strange events.

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