Twenty One

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A/N: This is sorta like a montage of the next few weeks. I mean it's already chapter twenty one and I still haven't gotten too the juicy stuff I have planned. Gotta pick up the pace bro. (I hope you're okay with this)

Mabel sat on the couch, staring down at her rice and beans, moving it around with her fork. A small frown present on her face.

"Mabes?" I ask, sitting next too her. It's been a week since she was revived from the dead and she never seemed like herself since.

Her depressed state completely changed, giving me a toothy grin. "Hey Dipnop! What's up?"

"You doing alright there?" I ask, staring at her cheerful face yet her eyes were still painfully sad.

"Of course! Just not really hungry." She obviously lies but I drop it, nodding my head.

"Okay, do you wanna watch something?" I question. She nodded her head, smiling bigger.


I kissed his cheek as Bill cuddled up next too me, wrapped in a blanket as our bodies squish together. Mabel sat on the floor, staring at the screen and shoving crackers in her mouth.

I was so happy she was here, life couldn't get any better. Well I mean, it would be ten times better if it wasn't the end of the world. But my sister was off though, bags were always under her eyes, a smile wasn't on her face unless Bill or I spark up conversation with her. She's obviously putting on an act yet I don't have the guts too ask what was wrong. It was almost like her eyes didn't even hold life anymore.


"Dipper." Bill says, tapping my shoulder as he hands over the joint he rolled.

"Sorry." I said, giving him a small smile as I took it from his hand, I put it up too my lips breathing in the THC filled smoke. I put my legs over Bill's as we sat in the room quietly and enjoying the moment together.

I handed it back too him after my second hit as a faint knock came from the other side of the door. "Come in!" I say, watching the door open, revealing my sister. She gasped slightly as her eyes laid on the joint.

"You guys smoke?" Mabel asks, her brows furrowed.

"Um... No?" Bill says as he takes a hit, blowing the smoke out of his nose.

"Dipper I'm disappointed in you." She says, marching up too me, kissing the top of my head. "But I'm going too head outside. See you nerds later." Mabel gives me a smile, waving goodbye.

"Wait, that's not very safe Mabel." I protest, making her stop in her tracks.

"You guys can revive me again, now let me go adventure." She stuck her tongue out at me and left the room, shutting the door behind her.


"Let her go Dipper, she'll be fine." Bill comforts, kissing my cheek as he passed the joint too me.

"Don't jinx it Bill."


Mabel sure does leave the bunker a lot, at least once a day and she doesn't come back for hours. Usually with supplies she found but whenever we offer too go with her she refuses, it's kind of weird.

Yet her mental state has gotten a little better, she doesn't seem so dead inside as usual, but she's only been here for about two weeks and a half now. Who knows what could happen.

And not to mention Bill has been extremely clingy, he does not like too leave my side. He has too be in contact with me in some way, no matter what I'm doing, even if I'm taking a shit on the toliet.

I think I scared him when I said I never wanted too see him again so he's decided too be super affectionate. I kind of like it. But I feel like he's hiding his real self from me, I mean he's a fricking demon, demon's don't do good things.

I can admit I'm still a little afraid of him, I try my best too not make him mad. But his touch still leaves that uncontrollable burning sensation and his kisses make the whole world stop. So I'm kind of mixed up a little.


"It's 8 PM Bill! We need too go look for her, she's been out there since 5 AM!" I say, panic in my voice as I try too convince my demon lover that she was in danger.

"Dipper, she can handle herself, take deep breaths."

"Deep breaths?! How can I when my sister might be dead again!" I shout, tears building up in my eyes as I stare him pleadingly. "Please!"

"Someone's scared of losing me, huh?" My whole body washes over with relief once I hear her voice. I turn around and run into her arms.

"Oh my god Mabel! Don't do that too me! You were out for so long!"

She laughs, hugging me back and ruffling my hair. "Don't worry bro bro, stop acting like a lil kid and look at all the cool stuff I got." Mabel took her bag full too the brim of treasure, opening it up. "I hit the jackpot."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this crappy filler chapter, so the next chapter is gonna continue the plot story. (Warning: emotions are gonna be in the next chapter.)

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