Twenty Seven

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We stood in the barn as Bill took off his eye patch and closed both of his eyes. He breathed deeply, letting go of my hand and pushing me away gently. "Stand back." He whispered as he focused on his eyes. I did as he told, standing against the wall.

He did some sort of chant in a foreign langue for a few seconds before opening his eyes. My ears rang as my sight flushed white, a force pushing me harshly against the wall. I could feel pressure crushing me, as if it was going to break every bone of my body.

Soon everything faded back too normal, leaving me with an aching head. I panted heavily, staring over at Bill with wide eyes. Bill slowly curled the corner of his lips upward, putting his eye patch back on and pointing towards the portal.

I looked over and gasped, excitement rushed through my veins as I stared at the green, thin and almost slimy wall of 'magic'. I jumped up and down, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Let's get the bags!" I cooed, running out of the door and shouting happily.

But soon my excitement turned too fear as the whole ground shook beneath me, I stopped dead in my tracks as ear shattering thuds slowly came closer and closer to the bunker, a shadow of a large humanoid figure slowly casting over me.

I tilted my head back, my whole body froze as I stared up at the mangled giant. No eyes yet it felt like it was staring right at me, it's torso was ripped open with nothing inside but bones holding it together. It was taller then the biggest sky scraper in the world yet it still noticed me.

I wanted too run but I couldn't, its dead eyes ripped through me. "Dipper!" I heard Bill scream my name out, I couldn't look back, god I wanted too see his gorgeous face but I couldn't move under the gaze of this thing, I couldn't look away.

It mouth hinges open, a low groan boomed through the land making my ears bleed. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my torso, being picked up and rushed away. Before I knew it, we were inside of the bunker, everything shook as he ran down into the main room with me in his arms yet I still couldn't move. I felt like I'd never be able too again.

"Fuck, Dipper!" He cried out, setting me down on the couch and running his hands through my hair. "Snap out of it, come on. If you don't now you'll be stuck like this forever."

My eyes looked over at my beautiful demon's face, the need too reach up and reassure I'll be fine, yet there was no way, my body locked together tightly although limp as ever. His eyes glazed over, tears building up and sliding its way down his cheeks, it was so sad to see him cry, he never does. "Please." He begged, taking a hold of my hand. "Just try too move. Try too speak!"

I wanted to tell him I was trying, I wanted to placed my lips against his and calm him down. My stiff arm twitched, slowly reaching up and placing a hand on his soft face. He gasped, a smile present on his face as he smashed his lips against mine. I move against him, moaning slightly into the kiss as I tangle my fingers in his hair savoring the moment till he pulled away. "Thank god."

"We need to go." My voice was raspy and sore, my joints ached as I slowly got access too my body.

"Not yet Dipper." Bill said in a soft voice. "Tomorrow is the day."

A/N: The next chapter is the end, I hope you enjoyed it, sorry if the last few chapters seem a little rushed, I've also been working on another fanfiction (That isn't posted yet) But I've been focusing on that story more then this one sadly, it's not out yet but will be as soon as I finish this one the first few chapters will be posted, it's just the cliche Dipper and Mabel come back to gravity falls at 18 yet I have a plot twist c; k bye

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