Twenty Eight

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A/N: I hope you liked this story, it was fun to work on it. This chapter will be rather short though, just a summary of how they adjusted too their new environment.

Hand in hand, eyes fixed on each other with luggage by our side. I took a deep breath before nodding my head too my lover, taking a step forward with him into the portal. It was only a split second and I was in a completely new place.

The grass and trees were lush and green unlike the hell we were in before. The sky was clear with sun beaming down, making me shade my eyes with my hand.

Bill gave me a tight squeeze, wrapping a hand around my waist. "This is our home now." He whispered in my ear, I nodded my head.

~One Month Later~

Bill and I built our own home, well more of Bill using his powers after he learned how to maintain them somewhat, but we still worked together. It was enough for the both of us, a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room. A small town was by us called 'Gravity Falls' the people there were strange yet lovely.

I was very happy with my demon, everything he did was for me, and me only. I couldn't of gotten someone more perfect, more caring yet bittersweet. We spent our days together, in each others arms, each others gazes.

~Year Later~

This was our home, I was a paranormal investigator and Bill was a photographer, we were engaged yet we won't be married for a while. We enjoyed this stage of our relationship, just like it was the second to last step of relationships, it was special.

Our fights were silly and rare, it didn't take long for us to forgive each other. I may of not been with my family, but I was with Bill, he was all I needed. I want our love to go on for decades, to grow old together and die right next to each other.

I'm happy.


A/N: Woo, hope ya liked it, it was good while it lasted, check out my other book bro <3

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