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A/N: Yoo, there's gonna be some smut up in hereee!

I laid against Bill's chest as I read out loud the second book of Lord of the Rings, he brushed his hands through my wet hair from the shower I just took, listening to the story quietly. His warmth comforted me, making my heart skip a beat.

Bill began to place gentle kisses on my neck, making a small hue appear on my face. I stuttered slightly and I knew he picked up an idea. He ran the flat side of his tongue up my skin, making me moan out slightly.

"B-Bill, I can't read if you do that to me." I say, looking up at him.

He took the book from my hands, keeping eye contact with me say he threw it on the floor, giving me a sweet smile. He leans down, gently brushing his lips over mine, making my blush spread.

Bill reached down, tugging my shirt above my head then running his hands up and down my bare torso. I bit my lip, stifling my moans as I tremble under his touch. Each part he touches leaves an almost burning sensation, I felt myself harden as I hear Bill chuckle.

"It's so easy to get you wet Dipper." He huskily whispers, placing his hands just above my waist line. "Is it time for me too stop?" He asks.

"No! No, please.. Bill I-" I was cut off when he groped at the tent in my pants, making me gasp out followed along with a with a low moan. "B-Bill I wanna go.. all the w-way."

The man stopped once he heard my words, I could tell he was surprised. "Dipper, are you sure?"

I took a second to respond, plowing my decision over in my head. I finally nodded, looking up at him. "I'm yours." I say, seeing his eye being glazed over with lust.

He turned me around so I was on my hands in knees facing him. Our lips inches away before they finally seal together, earning a low groan from Bill. He pulled me on top of him, making me straddle his lap as he quickly moves his hands down to cup my arse. My breath hitches, pulling away out of surprise.

He squeezes hard, a choked moan forced its way out of my throat as I roll my hips against his, feeling the heat in my groin pool up more and more each second. Bill put his thumbs under the waistline of my pants and boxers, he harshly pulled it down. He grabbed at my now bare bottom making me shudder hard.

He pulled away from my lips, quickly moving  his way down too my neck, he was going so fast, he was acting like he hasn't eaten for weeks and I'm the first piece of food he sees. He bit, licked and sucked, switching every few seconds. I melted into everything he was doing, my erection grew till I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Bill p-please!" I strained, trying too push back my moans.

"Please what?" He asked, taking one of his hands off my arse, placing it on my lower abdomen.

"Please more." I cried out once he wrapped his hand around my erection, staring at my pleasure filled face.

"Dipper, suck me." He said, my face flushing at his blunt and sudden command.


"You want more, so suck me." He says, gazing into my eyes.

I nodded my head eagerly, sliding down his legs till I was met with the growing bulge hiding in his pants. I bite my lip, zipping down his fly and gingerly unbuttoning his pants. Once that was done I quickly tugged them down with his boxers, my eyes widen.

"Jesus!" I say as the member sprung out.

Bill gave me a smile. "What? Is it to big?" He asks.

I bite my lip even harder, wrapping a hand around the base. It was huge and thick, and I swear to god my heart stopped once I laid my eyes on it. I licked the head, hearing Bill groan lowly. I kept eye contact as I went too slide the flat side of my tongue up the underside of his member, enjoying the small moans I earned from Bill.

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