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It was the middle of the night, I was sitting on the couch in the main room with a flashlight, a note pad and the weird book. I wanted to 'decipher' these ciphers, I was determined. And the first clue was my name. Six letters of the alphabet so far.

I flipped to the page where the drawing of Bill was, he had an arrow pointing too him as well. I could make out one of the symbols, I, which was in the middle. That was his name! Two more letters added on!

I spent the next hour trying to figure out words, slowly adding onto the alphabet. I was getting closer and closer, each drawing was labeled, and it was pretty easy too figure out what it was. God, if this was Bill's, he's horrible at keeping a secret langue secret.

I soon gathered enough letters to try and figure out the first page. Symbol by symbol I wrote down each word till I got the first sentence. 'My name is Bill Cipher!' It is Bill! And his last name is Cipher, huh, I didn't know that till now. 'And this is my journal!'

A journal? This is his diary? What a NERD! I snickered as I began to make out the rest of the page. I don't even know if this will be worth my time, but at least I'll say what the first few pages say.

I finished the first page.

'No one is meant to read this besides me, whoever does will regret their decision, because I will kill them with my bare hands.' My heart sank, this was Bill? This couldn't be him, he's not a bad guy. I don't know why, but this made me feel scared.

"Dipper!" I jumped when I heard him call out my name, I shoved the book under the cushion and got off the couch, running to the kitchen area to make it seem like I was getting a glass of water.

"Yes?" I call out, grabbing a glass quickly once I heard his footsteps down the hallway.

"Why are you out here, and why aren't the lights on?" He asks, coming in and flipping the switch.

I flinched once light filled the main room. "Uhm, I was just getting a glass of water." I say, trying to calm my trembling voice.

"Are you okay Dipper? You sound like you saw a ghost." Bill walks up behind me, wrapping his arms around my torso. I took a deep breath, melting into his touch. He gently kissed my neck, putting his hands up my shirt, running his hands across my skin. "Does this make you feel better?" He whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes, leaning back into him. "Mhm." I hum out, feeling my muscles relax.

"Come on, let's go to bed Dippy."

I nod my head, turning around and placing a soft kiss on his lips, just the small kiss made my heart race. I left the glass on the counter and followed Bill into the bed room, he pulled me onto the bed making me fall on top of him. He nuzzles into my neck, wrapping his arms around me, rubbing circles on my back. "I can't fall asleep without you in my arms Dipper. I really can't."

And with those words I drifted off to sleep, a soft smile making it's way onto my face.

A/N: Sorry this is so short, please don't stab me.

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