Chapter 2

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Dinah's POV:

We made it to the live shows oh my god I am freaking out! I love these girls so much and we hardly know eachother but we have just completely bonded, and i honestly look at them now as if they are family, they are practically my sisters now, and i don't ever want to lose any one of them, they're so amazing and we're all just crazy and get along perfectly, who would have thought, 5 girls thrown together there's gotta be a bitch fight right, i mean we have bickered obviously what girls don't? but we have worked through everything, everytime and it's always over silly things but you know, we deal with each other, and each of our personalities are so different from the other, but we get on so well.

I walked towards the dressing room and spotted Camila and Lauren take selfies together, I chuckled at the two of them from a distance before walking closer.

"You two are so cute" I smiled placing my arm around Camila's shoulder.

"Thanks D Dawg" Lauren smiled and so did Camila looking up at me.

"Hey Lauren can I talk to you?" Keaton from emblem 3 came over.

"Yeah sure" she smiled at him.

"Uh alone" he asked awkwardly glancing around the room at the rest of us.

"uhmm okay" Lauren said weirdly and followed Keaton away from us and into his dressing room i am assuming.

Me and Camila both watched them, well that was super awkward.

Camila's POV:

I couldn't help but feel jealousy run through my body as Lauren got up and walked away with Keaton, i hate this, i hate that i am going to have to spend everyday watching those two, when that should be me, i should be the one holding her hand and kissing her cheek, yes i do get to hold her hand, but it doesn't mean to her what it does to me, and that kills me more than I can explain.

"You okay Mila?" Dinah asked me.

"Huh? Yeah" I lied watching Lauren smiling with Keaton just outside of the dressing room door as Keaton whispered to her so we couldn't hear the conversation, not that we could anyway even if they were talking at normal volume, seeing as they were about 15 feet away from us.

Lauren walked back into the dressing room with a goofy smile on her face.

"What did he want?" I asked not meaning for it to come out rudely but noticed that it did, but it seems i was the only one, because the other girls took no notice of my tone.

"If I wanted To go on a date" she grinned.

"And you said yes" Dinah asked her.

"Yeah" she smiled.

"That's great Laur" Dinah grinned patting Lauren on the shoulder, happy for her new friend.

"What's great?" Normani asked walking into the room with Ally.

"Lauren's got a date with Keaton" I gave a fake smile trying to hide my jealousy.

Why am I so jealous? this is so confusing, i never knew i even liked girls, why do they have to make being a teenager so complicated?

"Aww that's so cute" ally smiled.

"I'm gonna go get ready" I smiled slightly standing up and walking away to have my hair and make up done.

"Hey Mila what's up?" Mani asked walking in and sitting next to me.

"Nothing" I lied.

"You know we can read you like a book right" Ally said walking in clearly catching my lie.

I sighed and looked away.

"It's Lauren isn't it" Mani said and I nodded.

"I knew you had feelings for her" Ally smiled slightly.

"I'm so confused, I thought I liked guys, but her she's just oh god, her green eyes are so mesmerising and her hair falls perfectly down her back, it's so wavy and it always smells like Vanilla, it drives me crazy when she bites her lip, just seeing her doing it makes my stomach flip, and i want to do it, i want to bite her lip and i have never even kissed anyone before, the way she calls me Camz and cuddles me when i'm sad, The way she cradles me in her arms and holds me close, i honestly feel like i am home, i feel so safe when i am around her, my head is always going a mile a minute when she is near me, and i always want to be touching her, whether it's my hand holding hers, or my head resting on her shoulder, it is like i just need to close to her, she can make me smile so easy and makes me feel so good about myself, i feel like i am falling so deeply for her but nothing will ever happen between us, because she doesn't see me in that way, and she's going on dates with Keaton, i just i want to be with her so bad, the jealousy that i felt when she was smiling and talking with him, i don't know what i am, am i a lesbian? am i bisexual? i don't even know, all i know is that i want Lauren" I let out a deep breath and brushed away the tears that were brimming in my eyes.

Wow putting it all out there really shocked me at how much i was falling for this beautiful girl.

"wow, Mila, you're in love" Ally said starring at me shocked.

"what?" I asked her.

"you're in love with her, the way you just described everything, that's how i feel with, well you know" Ally trailed off not wanting to say the persons name.

"i'm in love?" i questioned.

and the girls both nodded at me.

"i'm in love with someone i can never have" I whispered, the tears falling freely down my cheeks again.

Ally and Normani both wrapped their arms around me as i cried softly into Normani's chest.

Am i really in love with her? i don't even know what love is? how can i be in love with her if i don't know what it is? But Ally says that i am, she obviously knows and understands, because she has been in love, she is in love, maybe I am in love with her, but it doesn't matter if i am, because she can't be mine, i have to push aside my feelings.

"Camz" Lauren said walking in with Dinah and crouching down in front of me.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked me resting her hands on my knees trying to look at my face.

"Just homesick" I lied pulling my face away from Normani's chest and looking down at Lauren with a small smile on my face.

"owwww Camz come here" Lauren stood up and Normani moved out of the way so Lauren could sit down beside me and take me into her arms.

God why is she making this so much harder than it already is, her scent is driving me crazy, i just want to press my lips against hers, i look up into Lauren's eyes and she smiled down at me running her fingers through my hair caressing it softly, i pulled my eyes away from Lauren and looked over at Normani and Ally who both had sympathetic looks on their faces as they watched us.

I looked up at Dinah who sighed loudly, she was the first person i told about my feelings for Lauren needing to get the words of my chest, and she has become a die hard fan of Camren and is making it her mission to get us together, incase you didn't already notice, she isn't doing a very good job, let's just say she's not the best captain for the ship.

To be continued....

Soo.. this is actually being edited, if you've read the chapter before you'd know it was half as long as this and a hell of a lot shittier XD.. i'm working on it.

Lily x

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