Chapter 72

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Camila's POV: 

i rolled over in bed my eyes fluttering open as i came face to face with a sheet of paper, i picked up the paper my eyes squinting at the writing before coming into focus.

Goodmorning sleeping beauty, i left early hours of the morning, reluctantly of course because it is just so hard for me to drag myself away from watching you sleeping peacefully, but i managed to do it, obviously because you're reading this piece of paper instead of kissing me goodmorning, i do apologise for leaving you but i have a very good reason, i have a surprise planned out for you, you have been so amazing over the passed four months taking care of me and being my rock, and we haven't had the chance to be romantic or alone ;), and i miss those times with you, even though i love when we're doing nothing but laying in bed in eachothers arms, but i know you miss the intamacy too, so i am hoping you woke up before 1pm because that's the time i will be collecting you, so get your cute butt up out of bed, i'll be waiting on your doorstep. 

I Love You PrettyGirl x

i couldn't help but smile after finishing the letter she had left for me, god she's amazing. 

i rolled out of bed checking the time, i had aproximently 1 hour to get ready, why couldn't she give me more of a warning? does she know how long it takes to sort my hair out? 

i stumbled into the bathroom and had a quick wash, i'll shower later because i really don't have the time to do it right now, i brushed my hair continuously and tried to style it, but my hair just wasn't haven't any of it today, all my baby hairs were standing up all over the place and i was so tempted to just cut them off, but i decided against it, knowing me i'd end up with a bald patch. 

i applied to smallest amount of make up and ran back to my bedroom checking the time. 


i ran over to my wardrobe and rummaged through all of my clothes, i pulled out a dress and held it up against myself in the mirror. 

"Noo" i threw it away from me and it landed somewhere in my room. 

i walked back to my wardrobe and continued to rummage through until i found another dress, i haven't worn this in forever, and it's something that Lauren has never seen me in, i held it up against me in the mirror and smiled stripping my pajamas's off, pulling on clean underwear and the dress. 

i scanned myself over in the mirror and fluffed with my hair, smiling at myself, i will forever wonder what Lauren sees in me, but i don't care she loves me and that's all there is to it. 

i through my shoes around the room until i found a pair that would go with the dress and slipped my feet into them. 

"Whew" i brushed my hair out of my face and picked up my phone. 

i ran downstairs and opened the front door, true to her word Lauren was standing there with a rose in one hand and a Polaroid camera in the other, she handed me the rose without uttering a word and i accepted it with a smile, she lifted the camera and snapped a picture of me and watched as it printed out. 

"why?" i just asked her with a smile. 

"you're beautiful and today we're making memories" she smiled back. 

"we make memories everyday" i told her. 

"okay today we're making special ones" Lauren grinned.

"cheesy" i rolled my eyes. 

"you love me" she smiled and kissed me cheek. 

"sometimes" i smirked. 

"MUM, DAD I'M GOING OUT WITH LAUREN I'LL BE BACK UHMM I DON'T KNOW LATER" I shouted and slammed the door behind me. 

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