Chapter 51

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Camila's POV:

My eyes fluttered open trying to adjust to the darkness surrounding me, my body covered in sweat as Lauren clung onto me, i slowly moved her off of me, careful not to wake her, i rolled over and picked up my phone from the bedside table, the bright light from my screen blinding me for a few seconds before i could see the time read 3:41, why on earth am i awake?

I lifted the quilt off of me, dangling my legs over the side of the bed, slowly lifting myself into a sitting position, i yawned before standing up, walking over to the bathroom, i sat down on the toilet and groaned quietly, that's why i woke up, i sighed and pulled off my underwear, wiping myself before quickly walking back into the room and grabbing a clean pair of underwear, slipping them on and then going back to the bathroom to put a pad on, stupid periods, i sighed and stopped in front of the mirror, running a hand through my bed head, i walked back into the bedroom making sure to stay quiet, i opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, taking the cap off and drinking half of it, i'm so hot, i walked over to the balcony, sliding the door open and closing it behind me, i sat down on one of the chairs, placing my feet up on the railings and starring up at the night sky as a slow breeze brushed over my skin cooling me slightly.

I squinted as my eyes opened, only now realising that I had fallen asleep on the balcony, sun slowly rising causing me to be awake, I slowly brought my feet down and sat up straight, tilting my neck to both sides trying to rid of the ache, I'm going to regret falling asleep in that position, I sighed standing up, making my way back inside the room.

'How long have you been out there?' I looked over and see Lauren sitting up, her hands rubbing the sleep from her eyes, her hair looking like a lions mane, I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was.

'A few hours, I fell asleep on the chair' I told her walking back over to the bed and climbing into it and leaning against the headboard.

'Why were you even out there?' Lauren looked over her shoulder at me, her brows furrowed in confusion.

'I woke up and was really hot, so I went out to get some air'

Lauren just nodded before collapsing back in the bed and snuggling into my side.

'Baby sorry, but let me just change my pad and we can go back to sleep for a few hours' I told her running my hands through her tangled mass of hair.

'You're on your periods' she grumbled looking up at me and I nodded.

Lauren pouted and sighed and I couldn't help but giggle, She's upset that we can't have sex for a week, because once one of us has their period within 36 hours we're all on, we spend too much time together so our cycles are all the same, nothing worse than 5 miserable girls on tour.

The even worse part, we have to spend all day on the tour bus travelling to our next location, this should be fun!

Lauren moved off of me so I could go to the bathroom and change my pad, I don't even feel tired enough to go back to sleep, which is a first.

when i walked back into the bedroom, Lauren was on her knees but faced down on the bed, i arched my brow holding back a laugh.

'What on earth are you doing?' I asked sitting on the edge of the bed and laying back.

Lauren rolled onto her side so her head was on my stomach, i smiled running my thumb over her cheek she shut her eyes from my touch.

We stayed like that for awhile, before hearing a knock on our door, wow someone actually knocked? Normally they just come barging in like it's their room, Lauren sighed but climbed off of me and walking to the door, I instantly missed having her there, the weight and heat from her head easing the pain forming in my stomach.

Lauren came back with the girls all following behind her, all still in their pjs, Ally cuddling onto her moose or whatever it is, I swear she takes that thing everywhere with her.

Lauren crawled back onto the bed and into the same position, instantly making the pain ease again, I don't think I ever want her to move.

The girls all crawled into the bed sprawling all over each other, it's become a thing we do now, before we leave a hotel we all lay in bed for 30 minutes before going down to the bus, it's weird maybe, you'd think we'd want to all be away from each other but we enjoy being close.

I must've dozed off because I felt myself being awoken with the slightest tough of Lauren's lips to my forehead.

'Come on princess we have to go' Lauren whispered into my ear.

I pouted running my hands down my stomach, slipping one into the waistband of my shorts, it's comfy and I believe it helps the pain so I keep it there, I'm not even bothering changing, I climb out of the bed pulling my slippers on, looking over at Lolo and seeing her with the bags knowing she's got everything.

'Love you' I mumbled pecking her lips, walking out of the room dragging my feet across the floor, I hate stomach cramps.

I literally pouted the whole way to the bus, walking straight to my bunk and crawling in, closing my curtain and pulling the blanket up over my head, my hand still resting on my stomach just inside the waistband.

A few minutes later I felt Lauren crawl in behind me, resting a hot water bottle on my stomach and wrapping her arm over mine, kissing the back of my neck softly, just what I needed, a hot water bottle and my baby.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take over as the pain eased from the heat.

To be continued..

I know this one is late and short but I had no idea where I was going with it!

Comment what you want to happen pretty please!

I love you guys and can't believe this story has nearly had 200K reads! That is just insane! You're all amazing and I hope you continue to stick with me as I try and update for you guys atleast once a week but I wish I could think enough to write more.. So ideas pretty please! I know most of you don't want drama so help a sister out 😂 so cheesy.. But also if you want drama then throw ideas in for that aswell! Doesn't have to involve Camren :)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Wish I made it longer but I just wanted to update for you.

Lily x

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