Chapter 13

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Camila's POV:

"Shit" Lauren mumbled before pushing me off her lap and running back in the room.
What the fuck. 

I look towards the door before I stood up and followed her in and found her throwing up again, I froze in the bathroom door way as realisation hit me. 

"Babe" I approached cautiously. 

"Yeah" Lauren grumbled moving away from the toilet, leaning against the bathtub. 

"You don't think... You're not... Could you be..." I sighed not be able to form the words. 

"Spit it out Mila" she said. 

"I think you might be pregnant" I finally said it.

Lauren turned to face me her eyes widened in shock. 

"No no no no no" she said shaking her head. 

"We'll go to the doctors first thing Friday morning okay, or tomorrow before the results?" 

"Tomorrow" she said standing up. 

She stood in front of the mirror and brushed her teeth, I wrapped my arms around her waist holding her close. 

"It's okay baby we'll sort it alright" I whispered into her neck. 

"I can't, I can't have this thing inside of me, I can't have his thing inside of me" Lauren said shaking her head. 

"Baby we don't know if there is yet" I told her. 

"I don't want it, I don't want it" she repeated over and over again smashing her stomach. 

"LAUREN STOP" I shouted grabbing her arms spinning her around holding her body to mine. 

"I can't be pregnant, please god don't let me be pregnant" she sobbed gripping my shirt. 

"It's okay" I rubbed her back trying to soothe her. 

"If I am, I won't keep it" she whispered.

"I know baby, and no one would blame you, that's not a baby, it's a monsters off spring" I held Lauren tightly in my arms rubbing her back trying to soothe her. 

"I don't want it" she kept saying it over and over again sobbing into my chest.
"I know" I whispered.

I sighed picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the bed.

I pulled my phone out and group texted the girls

To: ManiBear, AllyCat, DMac

Fifth harmony cuddles? Xoxo

Seconds later all the girls burst into the room and dived on the bed with us, Dinah was behind me while Mani and Ally cuddled into Lauren.

"What's going on?" Ally asked. 

"I might be... I might be" Lauren sobbed not being able to get the word out like i had struggled earlier. 

"Pregnant" I finished for her. 

"Oh my god" They all said in unison causing me to smack them. 

"Don't make it worse" I growled hugging Lauren closer to me. 

"Are you going to go to the hospital?" Mani asked. 

"Yeah tomorrow morning" I told her. 

"What are you going to do if you are?" She asked. 

"Abort it" Lauren said crawling out of my arms and leaning against the headboard. 

"Lauren" Ally started. 

"Don't ally, I know it's wrong and I said I would never do it, but I didn't know I was going to get raped did I? I'm not keeping his child" Lauren said sadly. 

"Okay you might not be yet okay, Ally we're not falling out over this" I told her. 

"And come on ally you can't honestly expect her to keep it if she is, she would be reminded everyday about what happened, no one wants that" Dinah said.

"Yeah but killing it? Can't you give it up for adoption" Ally tried to reason. 

"No way that is so much worse" Mani said. 

"Agreed, you're gonna see that baby once it's come out of you and you're going to bond with it, you're not going to want to give that baby away, but you don't want to be reminded everyday, Ally come on she has to abort this baby if it is actually there" I Told her. 
"I know but it's frowned upon in" Ally started. 

"The bible we know" Dinah rolled her eyes. 

"Would you keep it? Would you give birth to it?" Mani asked her. 

"I don't know you can't ask me that" Ally objected. 

"Why not?" Normani questioned

"Beause you just can't okay" Ally shook her head. 

I looked over at Lauren and she was emotionless, just like before, I will not let her close off again.

"GUYS STOP" I shouted and they all looked at me. 

"Just stop talking about it, it's upsetting Lauren, and I can't deal with that look on her face, we don't know anything yet okay, we'll handle it when we do, JUST STOP" I shouted the last part.

I climbed into Lauren's lap. 

"Lolo" I whispered pulling her chin to look up at me. 

"Promise me you won't close off, promise me you won't shut me out" I whispered.

She just nodded and looked back down again. 

"No, words baby I want to hear you speak, no more silence, I'm here for you Lauren, I will stand by you no matter what" I said. 

"I love you Karla Camila Cabello" she gave me a small smile, I leaned in pressing my lips to hers.

"I love you too but never call me Karla again" I raised my eyebrows awarding me with a giggle to leave her beautiful plump lips. 

"You've said I love you to eachother" Mani asked. 

"Yeah about 20 minutes ago was the first time" Lauren smiled. 

"Yeah and I completely embarrassed myself" I mumbled. 

"How?" Dinah asked.

"She literally shouted out OMG Lauren Michelle Jauregui just said she loved me, but she didn't realise she said it outloud, it was so cute" Lauren explained and I blushed. 

"Shut up" I said pushing her shoulder and she winked at me. 

"That's adorable" Mani smiled. 

I flopped my head on Lauren's shoulder and they all giggled at me.
"I'm glad my embarrassment amuses you" I rolled my eyes. 

"You're so cute Camz" Lauren kissed me cheek and I smiled at her.

To be continued...

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