Chapter 53

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Normani's POV:

Finally! Interview over and done with, Now time to go meet our amazing fans and do sound check, the only thing I hate about meet and greets is you literally get 30 seconds with them, You say hi, do a picture they want and then they have to go for the next people to come on.

It upsets me because I love our fans and honestly wish we could spend an hour talking to each one, but obviously we can't, because we don't have the time to, I don't know why they don't start meet and greets earlier so that the fans do get more time, the amount of money that they spend just to meet us, they deserve it, and it's not like we're doing anything of any importance before the meet and greet, we literally just doodle about and eat, we're bored majority of the time, but it's the schedule and we have to stick to it.

We walked into the arena, hearing fans screaming as they saw us, we walked up to one of the windows opening and dangling our heads out hearing them all scream.

"That is awesome" Lauren grinned.

She stuck her head back out of the window and they started singing don't wanna dance alone, Dinah, Lauren And Ally all had their heads out of the window singing along with them.

Me and Camila was just standed there watching them and laughing until we heard the fans screaming our names, me and Camila smiled at each other before walking back over and waving out of the window, they all the changed the song to miss moving on and we sang along with them, each doing the parts that are ours, they all had ear splitting grins and it was honestly amazing, Dinah pulled her phone out and videoed them singing and dancing along, i will never tire of this, to hear over a hundred people singing your song back to you is such an indescribable feeling, but when you're in the arena and you're half way through your set and you stop singing for a few seconds and thousands of people are left singing your song back to you, it gives me chills every single time, it's such a rush and makes you want to go ten times harder.

"Guys come on, meet and greets" Our manager told us walking into the room.

"We have to go, but harmonizers we love you" Ally shouted out of the window kissing both of her hands and holding them out, we all waved and stepped away from the window.

We walked downstairs and to the room where meet and greets are being held, my favourite part about touring.

After meeting about 80 fans and getting pictures with them it's finally time to do soundcheck and take a few questions from fans, then it's show time.

Every time we get closer to show time, I start getting pumped, and I can't deny that I love the feeling, I have to admit that it is extremely addictive, it's a feeling that I never want to give up.


My heart is pounding in my chest, the fans are screaming as the lights go down, all the girls nod and smile at each other, we're ready, we're nervous, let's do this.

We've all run on stage, taking our positions and singing our first song, getting the crowd all pumped up and ready, it was by the third song that everyone was really into it and enjoying themselves, singing and dancing along.

We all took our positions on the stage for the next song, me on the far left near the stage exit, Dinah along from me, then Lauren, Camila and finally Ally on the far right, Lauren stepped forward and started singing the first line to don't want to dance alone.

I was smiling getting into it when I felt arms grabbed around my waist, a scream left the back of my throat and heard fans screaming my name in shock horror, a hand clamped shut over my mouth, a piece of cloth placed firmly over my nose and mouth, making my head spin before blacking out seconds after.


I woke up groggily, blinking half a dozen times before my vision slowly started to become clear, I was moving I knew that much, I took in my surroundings, I was in a van yes, it's a van, I tried to lift my head but it was far to heavy, I attempted to move my legs only to notice they were tied and bound with rope and duct tape, whoever this person is doesn't want me to get away, I now only just noticed one of my hands, cuffed above my head, I have no idea what it was cuffed to but there was no way I was getting out of this.

I lifted my other arm, it felt like led, what on earth had he drugged me with? I ran my hand over my face and holding my head.

"I'm scared" I whispered to myself, as tears began falling from my eyes, down the sides of my face into my ears, I bit my lip to fight back the trembling and the sobs, I don't want him to hear me, I don't want him to know I'm awake, he'll probably drug me again.

After what felt like an eternity but was probably 20 minutes I felt the van stop and his door open and close, my heart race quickened pounding in my chest, pretend you're asleep pretend you're asleep, I kept repeating this mantra over and over again in my head, if he thinks I'm asleep he won't do anything to me yet? Surely, at least I hope not, but the way my heart is pounding I don't think I will be able to fake it for long.

I close my eyes and laid stock still, relax Normani, just relax, I repeated to myself, I heard the door open, bringing a small light to the back of the van, but it was dark outside, I knew that without having to open my eyes, it took awhile before I felt him lifting me up and over his shoulder, probably making sure no one would see him, I opened up my eyes and took in my surroundings, I could see a street sign but I couldn't make out the name of it, I squinted reading the letters slowly, but as he walked closer to the house I was getting further and further away from the sign making it hard to read, I was never going to be found, I closed my eyes, limp and in defeat.

I felt myself being thrown, my breath held in the back of my throat until I felt the comfort of a mattress beneath, a small sigh of relief leaving my trembling lips, I looked up to see that man who had me but it was too dark to make out his features, he walked over again placing a cloth over my face causing me to blackout instantly, my last thought being, somebody save me.

To be continued..

Heyy I'm sorry that it's so short and took so long, but I've been decorating and just been completely upside down and honestly, I'm not very good with kidnapping scenes, I don't want to go tooUhmm idk harsh and let's just say you guys don't need to know how fucked up my head truly is.

Anyways hope you enjoyed it, I'll try update soon.


Lily x

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