Chapter 40

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Camila's POV:

After what Normani had said, it finally hit me, maybe she was right, what if Lauren had been cutting again and i didn't even know? that makes me such a bad girlfriend, i should've noticed the signs; i ran through the park and down the street, finding our tour bus, i brushed past a couple of people mumbling small apologies as i went, but i just needed to get to Lauren and fast, please lord tell me she hasn't cut herself again, i dont know what i will do if she has, i finally reached the bus feeling like i was going to die, with this killer stitch on the side of my ribs, i shouted Lauren's name running onto the bus, bending over breathing heavy, i lifted my head to see Lauren laying against Ally in her shirt and panties, her legs locked over Dinah's, a white bandage wrapped around her thigh, making my heart sink to the pit of my stomach.

'Baby' I whispered walking over and dropping to my knees beside her. 

She turned her head and gave me a small smile. 

'Why didn't you tell me?' I whispered. 

'I didn't want to worry you' she bit her lip tears threatening to fall. 

I took her hand in mine resting my head on her stomach, her other hand combing through my hair. 

'Camz I'm okay' she whispered. 

I lifted my head, tears rolling down my face. 

'When?' I mumbled and she looked away from me.
'Lauren' I whispered.
'3 months ago' her voice barely audible. 

I hung my head biting my lip, trying to not completely break down in front of her, she needed me to be strong, i need to be strong. 

'Uhmm guys, let's leave them yeah' I heard Normani behind me. 

I'm glad she said that, because I need to have a serious talk with Lauren and we need to be alone, because I know she won't completely open up to me in front of them, but i am also surprised that Lauren allowed Ally and Dinah to help her with this situation.  

Lauren sat up slightly holding her own weight as Ally stood, Dinah carefully laid her legs down and they both walked off the bus with Normani.

I stood up sitting behind Lauren, sitting in the position she was just in with Ally.

'Talk to me pretty girl' I spoke quietly running my hands through her hair.
'I need cuddles' she whispered. 

I shifted my body, pulling Lauren into my lap, cradling her in my arms, being careful not to touch her thigh, she buried her face in my neck, feeling her lips pressed to my skin, her tears soaking my neck.

'Baby why?' I whispered in her ear kissing it softly.
'I couldn't take it an-any-m-more' Lauren stuttered.
'Baby calm down' I ran my hand over her back softly, kissing her ear trying to calm her sobs.
'Take a few deep breaths baby' I whispered and she did, her breathing calming down slightly.
'Now tell me, what couldn't you take baby?' I asked, running my hand under her shirt, tracing small circles on her lower back.
'The hate' she whispered.
'Who could ever hate you?' I whispered.
'The so called fans' She mumbled. 
'Can I see?' I asked. 

'My phones on my bunk' 

I carefully stood up carrying Lauren and walked to her bunk. 

'I can walk you know' she smiled slightly.
'I know, but you're my baby' I smiled down at her.
'But the pict' Lauren started.
'It doesn't matter' I shook my head cutting her off.

Lauren opened the curtain to her bunk and I laid her carefully inside, she picked up her phone and patted the spot next to her, I gave her a half smile and climbed in beside her, she handed me her phone before snuggling her head into the crook of my neck and wrapping her arm around my waist. 

I clicked into Lauren's twitter app and scrolled trough her mentions see all the hate that our so called fans were saying about her. 

Calling her fat, saying that she shouldn't be in the group, that she can't sing, and calling her ugly, the blood in my veins was boiling right now, I wanted to go on a rant tweeting every single person that is saying bad things about my baby, she's an incredible person and everything they're saying is untrue. 

I turned Lauren's phone off and through it down by her feet, winning me a confused look from Lauren, I kissed her nose softly. 

'You're beautiful, and amazing Lauren, please never let their hurtful words get to you, come to me, I don't want you hurting yourself pretty girl' I whispered and Lauren nodded slightly before burying her face back into my neck. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a picture of us two, posting it on twitter with the caption 'My Pretty Girl, don't call yourself a harmonizer if you're sending hate to one of us'

I know the fact that I called her my pretty girl was going to start up all the Camren shippers but right now I don't even care anymore. 

I could feel Lauren's deep breathing against my neck, letting me know that she had fallen asleep so I decided to go on a twitter rant.

'First of all I just want to say, you clearly must be blind if you think that Lauren is fat or ugly, just because you have your own issues does not give you the right to take it out on someone else, Lauren has amazing strong vocals, so you're clearly deaf as well as blind if you believe that she doesn't belong in the group, if I ever see someone saying anything bad about Lauren or any of the other girls, I will block you and not think twice about it, never call yourself a harmonizer if you don't love and treat us all equally, we're all good singers and we all fit each other's voices perfectly, if you can't see that well you're more than welcome to leave the fandom! Because if you don't love us all I don't want you as a fan! All of the hurtful words you have sent Lauren has officially broke her, so well done to you! A girl who used to be happy and strong is now sad and and broken, whatever it was you was trying to accomplish well done, you've done it.. It makes me so angry to see some of things that you have said, and it hurts me even more to see Lauren this way.. If you hurt her then you hurt me and the rest of the girls.. To all our true harmonizers, I love you and ThankYou I am sorry for this but it had to be said and I hope that you see now that the words you say over a social network truly do hurt people!'

I took a deep breath and posted my twit longer, before taking a picture of a sleeping Lauren on my chest and tweeting it with the caption 'I love you babygirl, here for you always' 

Now I knew that would really stir up the fans, me and Lauren have never confirmed nor have we denied Camren, but I guess I basically just did, and if our fans don't except us then that's their problem not ours, I love Lauren and I refuse to hide from the public!

If they want to leave because it's a girl and girl relationship then they can go ahead and leave, love is love and people shouldn't be judged on who they fall in love with. 

To be continued...

Honestly have no idea where I was going with this chapter, I just started writing and well my brain wonders and I get carried away sometimes... Uhmm I don't know if it was good or not? So comment what you think I guess? I'll make the next chapter Lauren's POV and uhh Yeahh okay .. I think this chapter is longer than the last two? But I'm not sure cause I'm on my phone..
Probably be tomorrow for the next chapter? Need to think of what's gonna happen in the next one.. Any ideas would be much appreciated :)

Lily x

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