Chapter 57

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Just to piss you off 😏

Dinah's POV:

i carefully sat Normani down on the toilet and began to take her clothes off, holding my breath in and fighting back the tears as i saw bruises covering her arms where he had squeezed her so tight, and another bruise on her stomach, my baby, i wanted to ask what he had done to her but she has been mute since i found her, i tried to get her to talk but she just continued to hide her face in my chest.

after stripping her of her clothes and making a mental note to throw them away later so she's not reminded of the night i helped her to her feet then assisted her into climbing in the bath.

"do you want me to leave you? so you have privacy?" i asked and she shook her head so fast i thought her head was gonna snap.

she looked up at me, fear written across her face pleading with me not to go, my heart broke for the millionth time tonight, i can't stand seeing her like this, how long is it going to go on for.

i sat on the toilet seat and watched as her shoulders slumped forward, visibally relaxing that i wasn't going to leave her on her own.

she slowly sunk back into the water, letting everything that had happened slip away from her.

i've seen all of the girls in their underwear, and once accidently walked in on Lauren while she was stark naked but this was completely different, Normani was laying in the bath and didn't care one bit that i could see every part of her amazing body, her toned abs she showed everytime she drew in a breath, her perfect breasts that rised above the water with every breath she took, her toned legs when she brought one leg up in the water to make herself more comfortable, ever though i know that it is incredibly wrong i couldn't help but feel turned on in this moment.

i guess it's time to admit i have been crushing on Normani for awhile, but i know now that my feelings are a lot more than just some silly crush, i was fallling madly and completely in love with this girl everyday we spent together.

"Dinah" i looked up as she said my name, finding her eyes and locking mine to her, it's the first time i had heard her voice since she was kidnapped, the things she could do to my heart just by simply hearing my name fall from her lucious lips.

the urge i had to kiss her was strong but i had to refrain myself, she doesn't see you like that and she never will, she is just your friend and that is all she is ever going to be, no matter how many times i told myself that, the pain in my chest never lessened whenever i came to the realisation she will never want me the way i want her.

i realised then that she was still waiting for me to answer her, i must've looked like a right freak just starring at her.

"Yes?" i asked.

"Thank You" she whispered as tears slowly sprung to her eyes.

"what for?" i whispered back.

"Saving me"

"i'll save you always, but i pray to god i never have to save you in that way again" i told her.

Normani didn't speak, but the tears rolling down her cheeks were enough to break my heart, i wanted to pull her into my arms but figured that would be innapropriate seeing as she was in the bath.

"Dinah" she whispered again and i focused my eyes back on hers, waiting for her to speak.

"will you hold me tonight?" she whispered as tears continued to flood her eyes.

"i'll hold you every night just so i know you're safe" i told her with the slightest hint of a smile on my lips.

saying those words visibally seemed to relax her, but she flinched when she moved a certain way in the bath and panic washed over me.

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