chapter 76

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Lauren's POV: 

i Lay in bed, Camila sleeping peacefully in my arms, and i feel whole again, but i just cannot get it out of my head that she kissed Austin, and it is really starting to drive me crazy, can i really continue being in a relationship with her if i am just going to think back to that one kiss she shared with the stupid boy singer while we were on tour? i have been through so much in my life, the bullying, the self harm, the rape, the baby, the abortion, then cancer.

Camila has been my rock through all of it, she has helped me through the hardest times in my life, am i really willing to throw everything away because of a kiss that was supposedly a dare? can i spend the rest of my life without the girl that i thought i was going to marry? have children with? grow old with? can i put this small incident behind me, if she promises never to do it again? 

but what is a promise worth these days? no one keeps their promises anymore, even my own parents break promises because they 'Forgot' so maybe she will promise, but the real question is, does she love me enough to keep it? 

will she realize if i take her back that this can never happen again? because if it does that will be the last straw, because i would not be able to cope, i couldn't handle it if it ever happened again. 

i looked down at the love of my life and in that moment, with her eyes closed, her lips parted, her breath hitting my skin making the hairs stand up, i realized, that i can't do it, that i can't end things with her, because she is my life now, and she has been with me through everything, so no i am not willing to throw it all away just because of one stupid kiss, she is the love of my life and the woman i am going to grow old with and that's how it is going to stay. 

i lean forward and press my lips against Camila's forehead savoring the moment, she is my everything, and without her i am nothing. 

i hear the bedroom door creek open and turn my head to see Normani sneak in slowly making her way over to her bed trying to not make any noise, but her foot collided with a bag on the floor and she tripped landing face first on the carpet, i couldn't contain my laughter, sitting up in bed, my hand shooting up to cover my mouth realizing Camila was still asleep in the bed.  

"You're awake and you watched me creeping thinking you were asleep, how could you?" Normani groaned sitting up and looking up at me. 

"well in my defense i didn't know you was going to fall over" i giggled. 

"i hate you" Normani glared and stood up from the floor now noticing the other brunette that was sleeping in the bed, still undisturbed by all the noise. 

"oh my god Camila is in your bed, why is Camila in your bed? did you two make up? are you back together? oh my god did you have sex? eww you totally had sex didn't you" Normani fired questions and Camila began to stir beside me. 

"no we didn't have sex, Camila is in my bed because i asked her to stay, and the other questions are undecided right now" i told her. 

"what's going on?" Camila mumbled beside me. 

moving down the bed and rolling over so her head was resting my lap and her arm was thrown over my thighs, i couldn't help but smile at her movements. 

"nothing baby, go back to sleep" i told her. 

Camila's head instantly shot up and she looked me in the eyes. 

"you called me baby" she smiled chewing on her bottom lip out of nervous behavior. 

"you are my baby" i told her reaching out to rest my hand against her cheek. 

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