Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV:

I couldn't stop starring at Camila the whole time we were doing the twitcam but every time one of the girls would say a comment about Camren I'd look away and back at the screen trying to join in with the rest of the girls, it wasn't the easiest thing in the world and i am pretty sure half of the people watching us had figured out that there is more than just friendship here.

"Okay guys I think we're all gonna go now" Ally announced into the camera, finally speaking what everyone else was thinking, but no one wanting to be the person to end it.

"Yeah Mila has fallen asleep and Lauren looks like she's about to, and we're all kinda tired, but we'll do another one soon" Dinah smiled.

"Love you" I smiled sleepily into the camera and gave a small wave.

The rest of the girls waved and said bye to the Camera prolonging the ending by a few more minutes before Normani finally ended it and shut down Camila's laptop placing it on the bedside table.

"See you in the morning Camren" Mani smiled at me and stood up from the bed, stretching her limbs.

"Night guys, turn the light off please" I asked them as the other girls followed Normani's actions and made their way towards the door.

Dinah turned the light off and closed the door behind her, leaving me and Camila in darkness.

"Finally" Camila mumbled shifting her body so she could get more comfortable. 

"You're still awake?" I asked already knowing the answer as i looked down at her. 

"Yeah, I couldn't get comfortable enough to actually fall asleep, and i needed it to be quiet, so i just pretended so that i would be left alone" Camila smiled up at me.

"Why on earth didn't i think of that idea? maybe they would have all left sooner" I smiled.

"I'm just too smart" Camila mumbled and snuggled into me.

"No wait, before you get comfortable i really need to pee" I looked down at her apologetically.

Camila groaned but removed herself from my body, i jumped out of the bed and made my way into the bathroom to relieved my bladder.

When i walked back into the bedroom Camz was curled up in a ball under the quilt, i smiled and crawled in beside her. 

"Cuddles" I said with my arms open.

She turned around and scooted into my arms, our legs got tangled up together and Camila lifted her head and puckered her lips, i smiled and kissed her softly, she smiled then rested her head on my chest becoming more comfortable, my fingers ran over her back drawing patterns, holding her close to me.

"What did Mani want?" I mumbled my chin resting on top of her head as i remembered.

"Asked if we were together" she replied sleepily her eyes firmly closed.

"And you said" i probed. 

"I wish she's with Keaton" she mumbled.

"Shit my date with Keaton tomorrow" I hit my head with the heel of my hand remembering. 

"You have to go" Camila mumbled trying to fight sleep.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Well it's a secret right, me and you, you can't not go" she mumbled.

"That's true, but tomorrow I'm going to tell him that I don't see him as more than a friend" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

I never received a reply from Camila, all i heard was heavy breathing, she'd fallen asleep on me.

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