Chapter 71

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"i want to go home" Lauren told Camila as they walked through the door to the apartment.

"we are home" Camila said confused.

"No back to Miami, i miss it, i miss my friends, i miss my family, i miss the beach, i just miss everything about it, i need to go home for awhile" Lauren told her.

"but you have your results next week" Camila told her.

"i will fly back over here and see what the doctor says and then i will return back home, it's something i need to do right now, and i can get my strength back, Simon is going to ask us to get back in the studio again soon and record some new stuff so i just need some family time for a few weeks and get myself back to 100%" Lauren told her.

"you want to go alone?" Camila asked feeling slightly hurt.

"what? no of course not, you're coming with me, i think we should all go home for a few weeks, we have all been so on top of eachother the past 4 months, and i am pretty sure everyone is sick of looking after me, so we all need some family time, and then when we get back together we will be better than we was before, and we'll write the best songs ever, we just need alone time"

"i agree" Ally nodded listening in on the conversation as they walked into the livingroom.

"i miss my family and friends, i think we need the space too" Ally said.

"so we should all book tickets home?" Normani asked.

"we should speak to Simon first and our manager, but yeah i think it's something that we need to do too" Dinah included herself.

"i'll call them" Ally said standing up and leaving the room to make the calls.

"but i'm going to miss you guys, it's been too long since we spent weeks apart" Camila said.

"that's true, but it'll be good for us" Dinah smiled wrapping Camila up in a hug.

"you won't miss us too much, you'll have Lauren so i doubt we'll even cross your mind" Normani smiled walking over to them.

"of course i'm going to miss you, you're my girls" Camila told them.

"just me and my girls" Dinah sang.

"all the lights turn them off it's too loud in here to talk i don't understand a word you say" Camila sung with a smile.

"gotta sleep but instead kareoke on the bed taking duckface selfies right and left" Normani joined in.

The girls continued to sing and throw pillows at eachother messing around before collapsing onto the sofa's out of breath.

"that.. is.. what.. i'm going to miss" Camila said letting out a deep breath.

"what us acting like complete idiots?" Normani asked her.

"Precisely" Camila nodded with a face eating grin.

"we should pack guys, we're on the first flights back which is in 4 hours for Camren, 6 hours for me and Mani and and 7 hours for the wonderful Dinah jane who will be flying Solo" Ally spoke up.

"WHAT? how am i supposed to pack my case and get to the airport in less than 2 hours?" Camila asked her.

"i suggest you do it quickly" Dinah grinned.

"you guys suck" Camila told them and stood up making her way to her room with Lauren following right behind her.


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